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  1. tenn0titan

    Pot and contest prep

    cool...thanks I will print this off and show him. maybe I can get him to stop that shit... TT
  2. tenn0titan

    r-ALA from Pumpnpose? Alpha Lipoic Acid - 500 mg - 100 count Item: ALA500 Price: $27.50 Sale: $21.95 TT
  3. tenn0titan

    How long do you wait?

    if 10 weeks 5 weeks from the end of your clomid... TT
  4. tenn0titan

    Pot and contest prep

    what would pot do to your diet? Does it affect water? I know it will make you hungry? Anything else? TT
  5. tenn0titan

    please help

    Vasopro Ephedrine HCl 60 Tablets/25 mg $7.00 TT
  6. tenn0titan

    what do girls want

    you should just build the body you want and take the girls that like that body type. Do not get a body just for the girls. There are girls out there for all type of men. so do not sweat it. TT
  7. tenn0titan

    * EMERGENCY * : I need some fast help from everyone !!

    ? you mean trying to get insurance to pay for it. Ya, you do not want to use your insurance just pay for it yourself. If you can hide it from the doc and make it look like something else cool, but if you can not just tell him for your safety. TT
  8. tenn0titan

    * EMERGENCY * : I need some fast help from everyone !!

    not sure why you just do not tell the dr. you shit some as into your arm. big deal they can not tell anyone. they are there to help you and can only do that if they know everything. I went to a doc sometime ago. he asked why I was there and I say I am about to juice my ass off and want to...
  9. tenn0titan

    Help with a last few days....

    got that going right now. tested his fat (three site skin fold) it was 5.6%. surface water is noo too bad either. hoping for the best. their is one more show Aug 1st and I hope to get him to do it. thanks for all the help bros! TT
  10. tenn0titan

    Help with a last few days....

    how many days out from the show should you stop the training? I had planned to stop all training the last days of carb depletion. I was going to have him stop training legs and abs the last Monday before the show. Some crazy man gave me that idea (Skip, hehehe). The depletion workout were...
  11. tenn0titan

    Minimum Arm Size

    what about the chest requirement?
  12. tenn0titan

    How can one make a solution that can be used for IV glutamine administration?

    Ok....lets get want to sit there for several hours, which is how long it would take just to get a few grams into your body, instead of just drink 20-30 grams in a shake. Ever try to open a can with your teeth eventhough you had a can opener right next to you? I think you are...
  13. tenn0titan

    Ok, fess up!

    nope..if I read it is not shit like that. Give me a good porn and I will read the shit out of it! Hehe. TT
  14. tenn0titan

    looking for ideas

    try extra hard to please them and turn the tables on them...bring them something...I like to bring some "just out of the oven bread". " was able to get some for you guys...enjoy". You must earn the tip. You do not just get it for being there. TT Just my experience
  15. tenn0titan

    Shaved or not??

    got to have some hair on top and shaven around the hole. If it is too shaven I feel like I am with a little girl and I do not like that shit. Fuzzy on top and smooth around the holes. TT
  16. tenn0titan

    Anyone else feel like this???

    hypoxia (lack of o2) or severe lactidosis (high levels of lactic acid) both cause that sickness. Just breath and make sure to have enough rest between sets. You should be fine. Oh, if you want to feel better when that happens do not stop and sit....slowly walk around the gym...oh looking at...
  17. tenn0titan

    "JUICE" makes you strong!!!!

    I will tell you want I think when that happens. That they are cops and are trying to butter me up for a question sometime down the hey man help me get back into my old body?! Fuck that bullshit. If you had I once get it back or atop fucking telling the stories of heavy weight to...
  18. tenn0titan

    Minimum Arm Size

    So you guys want to go to a gun show? (the guys ask "what gun show") I slowly kiss my large arms then flex and say, "this gun show!". Just something I teach little boys to tell their moms. arms are only 17.5 cold...dam that just hurt my ego knowing they are that small...oh I don't...
  19. tenn0titan

    looking for ideas

    dickheads are Gods test to see how you handle them. Those who treat them as they would like to be treated will see blessing in his or her day...those who act like "dick heads" will only be given more assholes to wait on. Moral of the story be nice to assholes or you might have more of them...
  20. tenn0titan

    HGH info...good read!!!

    great post! Good job. things like this should be a sticky. TT