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  1. tenn0titan

    Next cycle any thoughts

    pct looks fine bro. Best of luck with the cycle. You should make sure you use a log for your workouts and try something new as far as routines are concerned. AS use helps but training and nutrition are the core parts of any well built body. Peace TT
  2. tenn0titan

    pics and gear and very little development, etc...

    Some people think it is all in the AS use but forget it really comes down to time! Something you can not buy. It takes years of good training and nutrition to make a great body. AS helps but it in itself is not enough! Great post Skip. Peace TT 18 Years and going strong
  3. tenn0titan

    Next cycle any thoughts

    I used M1T by itself. I will tell you the stuff rocks. I really liked the Kilosports brand (Rich Gaspari). I did 20mg per day for the first week. I gained 9 pounds in one week. 1Fast400 sells it in 5mg caps which is nice since you can dose it better. My next plan is to take 10mg before my...
  4. tenn0titan

    rHGH: Who knows much about it?

    Found some articles and was wondering if anyone has tried it? The effects of treatment with recombinant human growth hormone on body composition and metabolism in adults with growth hormone deficiency F Salomon, RC Cuneo, R Hesp, and PH Sonksen Abstract In a double-blind, placebo-controlled...
  5. tenn0titan

    Next cycle any thoughts

    I got my first M1T from Kilosports then from Designer Supplements. 1Fast400 has it as well. Of course Lap-Corp has it also. Peace TT
  6. tenn0titan

    diuretics for comp.

    Bump that Skip. The more drugs you add the more you can fuck it up. KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. Peace TT
  7. tenn0titan

    When is everyone going to start cutting??

    Sometime in April. Hey anyone know of the best place to find out when shows are. I went to the npc and they didn't even have two shows that I know are done every year here in MS and TN. I want to find something in Memphis area or TN or something in North MS (I live in Horn Lake which is right...
  8. tenn0titan

    Next cycle any thoughts

    I am 22yrs old 5’10 192lbs 8% bf and have a couple cycles under my belt. I am looking to bulk up with this one so here it goes. 1-4 m-1-t 10mg/ed 1-10 test eth. 500mg/w 1-10 EQ 400-600mg?/w 6-12 tren 100mg/eod I will also be using slin for the first 4 weeks and the last 4 weeks. So the last...
  9. tenn0titan

    Your favorite cheat meal?

    Mex food. Cheap and easy. Peace TT
  10. tenn0titan

    What the FUCK

    When I was doing M1T (20mg per workout) I had feelings like that. But with all the other things in your system who knows. Peace TT
  11. tenn0titan


    They test for gear but they might not have the right test for M1T. I am not sure if a testosterone test will detect M1T. Email this guy. He should know the answer: [email protected] Peace TT
  12. tenn0titan

    Confused by protein requirements.....

    I try to get 50% from food 50% from powder. Peace TT
  13. tenn0titan

    gains keeper formula

    What would DHEA do for you? I love it for taking fat off fat clients but post cycle? Peace TT
  14. tenn0titan

    Powers of Positive thinking

    "hug" Your welcome. Peace TT
  15. tenn0titan

    How old until slin is okay?

    Thanks bro. Knowledge is the most important thing to have when playing this game. Thanks again. Peace TT
  16. tenn0titan

    Who Loves Bicep Injections????

    1.5 ml max. E3D (every third day) is the max if it is oil. Peace TT
  17. tenn0titan

    Confused by protein requirements.....

    Nope still wrong. You want 1-2 grams (of course this varies depending on where you read) of protein for every pound of lean body mass. LBM is your weight minus your pounds of fat. Just multiply your weight by your percent fat. That gives you your fat pounds. Subtract that from your total...
  18. tenn0titan

    How old until slin is okay?

    I would say that knowledge not age is more important. It is illegal no matter what age. It is also how mature that person is. Slin is something that you can not fuck-up on! Peace TT
  19. tenn0titan

    Who Loves Bicep Injections????

    Deca is great in the biceps! Doing test right now. Hoping to get deca again for my bicep growth program. Peace TT
  20. tenn0titan


    I just finished my first can. This stuff rocks. It taste so much better than 100% Whey from Optium Nutrition. massnutrition is the best place for the price. Try some you will love the Dutch Chocolate. Peace TT