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  1. tenn0titan

    Keep a training log book....

    Thanks bro. I think that is where bodybuilding is going and has been for some time. Apply science to your training and it will only improve. A training logs helps in so many ways. Helps you see how often you do an exercise, if you have increased your weight lately, the total number of sets...
  2. tenn0titan

    M1T users.....

    NP bro. If you want some more information these forums have some good information on methyls and other prohormones. Peace TT
  3. tenn0titan

    M1T users.....

    I would say that their is water retention. I gained 8 pounds in 9 days from 20mg per day. The next week I went to 40mg per day but saw no real difference. The second week I gained 5 pounds. When I went off I lost about 4 pounds but noticed no decrease in my strength. The lost had to be...
  4. tenn0titan

    Keep a training log book....

    I know that my workouts are better since I have been using a training log. I record my exercise, my goal reps and weight, then I record what reps and weight I am able to do. I make notes to remind me of things for my next workout. Peace TT
  5. tenn0titan

    Next Cycle: Plz Give Input

    Pre-workout Prohormone Methyls: Mini-Cycle One Week 1: M1T 10mg & 20 M4AD Week 2: M1T 20mg & 30 M4AD Mini-Cycle Two Week 3: M5AA 20mg & M14AD 20mg Week 4: M5AA 30mg & M14AD 30mg Repeat each mini-cycle one more time. Prohormones will be taken 1.30 hours (before my pre-workout shake) before my...
  6. tenn0titan

    Online AS Survey

    here is a link.... Peace TT
  7. tenn0titan

    Online AS Survey

    Hey what is Isovorine? That is something I did not recognize? Peace TT
  8. tenn0titan

    Online AS Survey

    Posted by: MrsPuddlesFL Rutgers university is trying to put together a study showing that the dangers of AAS use are way over rated. Please take the time to go to this link and fill out this survey. The only way AS users are going to be able to overcome the negative stereotyping in the media is...
  9. tenn0titan

    Injectable Prohormones?

    Anyone think they could be better than normal gear? This is explains of what I can get: All listed below are in 50ml multi-use vials. **Methyl-1 Test 10mg/ml oral solution 35$ ** Methyl-5AA 10mg/ml oral solution 25$ 5AA cypionate 200mg/ml in a pain free solution. 70$ 4-AD cypionate...
  10. tenn0titan

    Books on AAS

    Free Books: Peace TT
  11. tenn0titan

    M1t cycle over a Tren-cycle???

    M1T at 40mg per day in two doses of 20mg. Trust me the stuff rocks. Peace TT
  12. tenn0titan

    M1T Caps? Finding Some.. is the best so far. will have them soon but they will not post it instead you will have to call to get them. not sure about the price. Peace TT
  13. tenn0titan

    Name one or two favourite steroids....

    M1T This stuff is great! I love it! Peace TT
  14. tenn0titan

    M1T Caps? Finding Some..

    Trying to find discount place to buy Gaspair M1T (90 caps at 10mg per cap) for under $40 per bottle. Anyone know where to go? Oh the stuff rocks!! I have gained 6 pounds in 5 days! I will post my log Sunday. I want to find some caps not liquid M1T. Peace TT
  15. tenn0titan

    What do you consider BIG ?

    muscle dismorphia is why we use gear and try to get freaky. most of us all think we are small. I know I do eventhough I am the second biggest person at my gym. Sometimes I see that I am big but not often which is why I have to be 280 to feel 240. Peace TT
  16. tenn0titan

    MC sponsoring me for my show 4/3/04!!!!!!

    From one titan to another I wish you the best of luck! Eventhough I am not 274 (just 248) I think your size you knock them dead! Let us know how we can help bro! Peace TT
  17. tenn0titan


    Do you guys think this is crap or worth trying? This is from a site that sells it: Since the late 90Æs prohormone use in the United States has risen dramatically due to delivery technologies including Ethers, and the older liquid Liposomes. Actual new prohormone technology such as 1-AD...
  18. tenn0titan


    I would rather rent the space to gear instead of stuff like that. Peace TT
  19. tenn0titan

    M1T & Gas

    Just started M1T and will post my results in 6 days. I plan on doing a 45 day cycle at 20mg per day (10mg mornings & 10mg evenings). I will post the results after each week. The issue is that since I started I have had some serious gas. Anyone else have that problem? Well so far so good...
  20. tenn0titan

    sub-q pgf2a

    If you shot it into the fat it will breakdown before it really gets into the muscle where it needs to be to be active. IM is the only real effective way of taking it. Peace TT