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  1. tenn0titan

    Lab-Corp Clomid

    Anyone use this stuff!? Dam my tongue went numb some after taking it. Very nasty! Any suggestions on how to take it. Peace TT
  2. tenn0titan

    Calculation Help

    Ever use a calculation where you take lean body mass x (a number) to figure out calorie intake? What numbers do you think is best for weight lost and weight gain? I am working on a excel spreedsheet that will do some basic nutrition calculations. Peace TT
  3. tenn0titan

    Small tricks and tips for competition prep

    Use Skip. Vitamin C to help Flush the Skin - $5 Prep-H to help tighten the Skin - $10 Having SKip help you Prep for a Show - Priceless....but not free Heheh Peace Skip, love ya bro TT
  4. tenn0titan

    Free Bodybuilding Videos!!!

    Hope you realize that the videos are very large. I am downloading Flex's and it is 600.40 MB! Oh well it is free and I have cable. Peace TT Anyone know where to get free shit!? Post it here!
  5. tenn0titan

    Free Bodybuilding Videos!!!

    Free BB Videos! Go to Download the software and then run the program. Connect to their servers and search for "bodybuilding" and a shit load of videos come up! Examples: Flex Wheeler Training Video Kevin Levrone Full Blown Mr Olympia 1989, 2002 Battle of the Olympia...
  6. tenn0titan

    Methylated Hormone 17a-Methyl-1-Testosterone

    What length of time would you take this PH? I plan on taking 20mg per day in two 10mg doses. I have readed two weeks max but that seems so short. Any opinions? Peace TT
  7. tenn0titan

    PGF2a Questions & Ideas.

    OK, my HGH plan is 2 iu's twice per day seven days a week. I want to do it for 3 months none stop. TT
  8. tenn0titan


    For the bros and gals who are still playing with rec drugs plz stop. We do not need to lose anymore good people. I am sad to hear another good man went down. Peace to his g/r and friends TT
  9. tenn0titan

    PGF2a Questions & Ideas.

    Current Plan: HGH (unsure at this time? open for ideas) Early Morning - 6:00am (before driving downtown to train clients) Preworkout - 12:00pm (workout time 12:30~) IGF (25mcg twice per day for one month) Morning - 9:30am (after eating 2nd breakfast) Pre-Work - 3:00pm PGF (1.25mg twice...
  10. tenn0titan

    PGF2a Questions & Ideas.

    Question: "A single aspirin can render the effects of Lutalyse nonexistent, so most people who use this drug avoid aspirin and aspirin analogs." 1) Aspirin stops both the + & - effects? "You also may feel as if you had some kind of cold in your throat. It is due to the vasoconstriction effect...
  11. tenn0titan


    Great work Skip. This is why MC is the best board! Peace TT
  12. tenn0titan

    Post a pic of your dog

    I have an Akita. He is named Yoshee and is 10 mos and three weeks. He weighs about 90 pounds.
  13. tenn0titan

    IGF-1 Long R Sale (RESTOCKED!) And A buy 1 get one free on other select items.

    I ordered during the special but they only sent me one clomid?! I just emailed him so I hope he fixs the problem. Peace TT
  14. tenn0titan

    It's a Tren Boy!

    I did use a lot of heat. I was kind of unsure about temp and time. TT
  15. tenn0titan

    It's a Tren Boy!

    Here is a better pic with some light. Sorry about posting the link I did not think that would be a problem. Peace TT
  16. tenn0titan

    It's a Tren Boy!

    It looks brown since there is no light going through it. It is golden color. I will take a pic in the morning that has more light. Peace TT (we cant list places to buy stuff like this anymore) due to the stuff going on latly with other boards and the law, sorry bro
  17. tenn0titan

    It's a Tren Boy!

    Just finished my first tren bottle. Thanks to Peace TT
  18. tenn0titan

    Need Tren Cooking Site

    Sometime ago I found or was given a great site with pics on making tren. Just got my 2G kit from and want to get started. Peace TT
  19. tenn0titan

    Igf for the youngens

    At your age you can grow from just pushing large rocks. Let your natural system do its thing. You test levels are high right now so just train clean. Peace TT
  20. tenn0titan

    IGF-1 Long R Sale (RESTOCKED!) And A buy 1 get one free on other select items.

    Just got some clomid. One for me and one for my training partner. Hope they run the IGF special in a few weeks I want to get two bottles! Peace TT