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  1. tenn0titan

    so what's the common dose ranges for lipostabil?

    They say it KILLS the cell. Dam...sounds like fun. Peace TT
  2. tenn0titan

    Everybody must see.....

    Cool site but did the cost of IGF go up? $365? Has that alsways been the price.. TT
  3. tenn0titan

    what attracted you to your current significant other?

    Her laugh and her ability to put up with my shit and personality. She is also hot which helps...hehe. TT
  4. tenn0titan

    500ml/cc Enanthate Experience?

    Oops, yes I do. Thanks. TT
  5. tenn0titan

    500ml/cc Enanthate Experience?

    Anyone use this stuff? I just hit some T400 and the knots are that worth it. No much pain but my ass is going to take at least 12 days to be ready for the next shot. I even mixed it with some EQ (1cc EQ with 1 1/2cc T400). Let me know if you have tried it before. Also what is the best way...
  6. tenn0titan

    new to this board/out of military

    0311 The Backbone of the Corps! Welcome to the Board Devil Dog. Glad to see you got home ok. PM me if I can ever help you out! Peace TT
  7. tenn0titan

    What is the biggest turn off

    girls who smell like tuna girls who smoke fat out of shape girls...eventhough girls who are fit but heavy with good shape are ok girls who just lay there armpit and leg hair ... TT
  8. tenn0titan

    ASS-SA-X: Who has tried it or knows of it?

    From the web site: Current research has shown it has fat burning properties and opposed to just burning fat through shrinking the fat cell it actually causes white adipose tissue apoptosis --(kills fat cells) both site specifically and systemically and is dosed at 40-100mcg/ED There are NO side...
  9. tenn0titan

    How often do people ask you or friends if you take steroids?

    People never ask me. I am 244 at 6 foot so they just assume that I use them. People ask about you since you are in that "not too sure phase, maybe he uses maybe he does not". TT
  10. tenn0titan

    Allergies...Where do u live???

    #6 Memphis! Never had problems until I moved here for graduate school. TT
  11. tenn0titan

    New to MC

    Remember bro we are here to help you get that first place position. Post what questions you would like answers to. I find it very helpful to get second opinions. Peace TT
  12. tenn0titan

    If you could change one thing

    I would not change anything in fear that I might turn out worst. Accept what you have. TT
  13. tenn0titan

    Whats your favorite cliche ?

    Don't write a check your body can't cash (USMC) -use this before you fight someone really makes them think..heheh Live your life like it was your last days -helps me remove the stress from my day Save the drama for your mama (USMC,they have such great ones) -I tell this to all my clients who...
  14. tenn0titan

    how to prevent deca gyno

    Deca gyno? Where did that come from? Is that a real side effect or did you make that up. JK. Never had that problem. I would guess you could treat/stop it like you do with test gyno. TT
  15. tenn0titan

    Yahoo Paydirect?

    Yahoo Paydirect is looking cool. Anyone know much about it? Just found out about it and wanted to show you guys this option. Not sure if it is usable, but it might be. TT Link:
  16. tenn0titan

    New to MC

    Best of luck at your show. Post of pic if you get time. Welcome to MC bro. Peace. TT
  17. tenn0titan

    A50 Price at Walgreens!

    60%? If the price is $1,400 (rounded off) and I paid $130 for 100 A50's. Then the difference would be $1,100. That would be about 90% off. I hope you did the math wrong Choke03. 60% is not that much off. If not then pm me and I will give you a better connection. Peace TT
  18. tenn0titan

    A50 Price at Walgreens!

    You see shit like that and it just makes it harder to believe in the medical community! TT
  19. tenn0titan

    A50 Price at Walgreens!

    Check out this shit! Go to this link and look at the price. Plz for your safety sit down first...just play it safe. Notice: I am in no way responsible for your head shooting right off your body upon see the price Walgreens charges for A50! Link...
  20. tenn0titan

    Special Discount on IGF-1 and other research products

    How long do you think until the DEA find out about this great product and outlaw it also? It is something I want to try but my luck will have it that once I have the money it will be unavailable. TT Great company and great sell!