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  1. tenn0titan

    pics from my show...

    you look great. Lightheavy? What was your weight? Keep up the great work! TT
  2. tenn0titan

    IGF LR3 - Site Injecting

    ok, just saw on tv a show about making superhumans. one of the topics was about ifg and how it could be the next step in creating super soldiers. they did mention something about site injecting into the muscle you want to develop. by doing so that muscle will grow new muscle fibers. anyone...
  3. tenn0titan

    Good Luck Skip!

    I almost just posted the same thing! Best of luck Skip. It is a big night for a lot of people. My client hits his first show Saturday. Best of luck to all who are competing Saturday! Post your results guys and girls. TT
  4. tenn0titan

    tren enanthate

    twice per week sounds great. ED or EOD can suck. TT I need to try and get this stuff.. *DELETED* winnie
  5. tenn0titan

    Can you bulk and have low carbs? I bloat bad!

    I do not think that anything above 25% or so of carbohydrate intake will slow muscle growth if the protein is there. I think under 25% you might have trouble gaining size. TT
  6. tenn0titan

    Can't get freaken arms to grow

    if arms are your weakness ask your self this question. why are you training them last (saturday) and why are you training them with another bodypart? I have always trained my arms by themselves. I would first make arms the first thing you train. that why you are fresh. train them by...
  7. tenn0titan

    Blood Pressure Results - Cause for concern?

    those machines are not designed to measure an arm over 13.5 inches (something very close to that) I work as a personal trainer and I know that the "adult cuff" is only good for someone with an arm of 13 or so inches. The extra large is what you use for BB's. So do not worry about that high...
  8. tenn0titan

    Who here is planning on using IGF Long R Shortly

    once I raise the money I will include it with my cycle. Hoping to do 5 days on / 2 days off, 25mcg morning 25mcg evening. 4 weeks on 2 weeks off then repeat one more time. TT
  9. tenn0titan

    workout length

    average one hour not including cardio which increases time. I try to split the workout if it gets over 1.5 hours. do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening to avoid problems such as overtraining, burn out, muscle breakdown, etc.
  10. tenn0titan

    How many of you live by "yourself" ??

    I live with Mrs. Tentitan. Have not live at home in a long time! TT That god they would not understand all the milk I drink!
  11. tenn0titan

    2 questions....

    I would be the tea more than the other since it will get some water out. TT
  12. tenn0titan

    22 Days out...

    true 6% clean is much different than 6% juiced. Thanks I will tell him. TT
  13. tenn0titan

    Clean 239

    sure I post pre-cycle pics. I will document it all. Oh, during the program I never cheated. I did not want to go to jail and maybe lose clients and my job! TT
  14. tenn0titan

    Clean 239

    Just weighed my self today. I am at 239. I know my fat is high but that is easy to take care of later down the road. My up coming goal is to gain weight. I have been clean for about 14 or so months. It was a "court thing". Had to keep my nose clean to avoid a record. Well I finish the...
  15. tenn0titan

    Carb Load Plan: Opinions & Tips?

    His intake has been only about 40-50 carbs per day. He is about 188 lbs with 5.6%. Oh, question. How much weight do you guys think people add on average after carb loading. TT 26th Thursday 5:30 am Breakfast 2 Serving Oatmeal (plain) 1/3 Cup Almonds Water 9:00 am Before Lunch Chicken...
  16. tenn0titan

    clomid...the big lie

    yo make sure you post the next article for us bro. great post! TT
  17. tenn0titan


    I think it would still help. Never too late to add something like that. Hell you have 6 weeks right? The clen can really help during those last 6 weeks. TT Two days one, One day off
  18. tenn0titan

    Pot and contest prep

    I give praise to God for giving us and sending us the food of the angels. A plant that will bring enlightment to your mind when It is used by those that are righteous, allowing them to expand their minds and understanding into the vanity of the world today. ?dam...that is a little over the...
  19. tenn0titan

    I won the overall!

    post a pic bro. great job! TT