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    What new products do you want to see us carry?

    Testosterone cypionate at 200 mg And tren enanthate 100 mg Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Chubby Army Veteran - first cycle - Test Prop and Winny

    Yeah high body fat I would just stack Cardarine and S23 for 12 weeks do extreme atkins lots of cardio and heavy lifting u will drop weight quick chicken and beef only then do vegan diet and maintain Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Chubby Army Veteran - first cycle - Test Prop and Winny

    So what up what did you decide on and sometimes SARMS are a good start Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    DNP and Fat Loss. DNP Cycle Dosages.

    Yes I did for 3 months was fine its not healthy but my body don't burn fat normally and I have a huge appetite even after I eat I am never fulfilled its a problem myself and doctors are trying to fix atkins diet is not healthy either all that meat plug arteries I stick to vegan diet now and am...
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    Chubby Army Veteran - first cycle - Test Prop and Winny

    You are right but for the ones that are now they know too Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Chubby Army Veteran - first cycle - Test Prop and Winny

    Hey bro maybe start with a testosterone cyp at 500mgs a week and take 1/2 mgs of adex every 4 days do this for 4 months then get testosterone test at V.A 3 weeks after end of cycle your test will be really low and u will get free T.R.T from V.A for life once u have 2 or 3 low tests also plan a...
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    Sarm Sciences Adds S23 and Testolone RAD 140 To Their Product Line!!!

    Anybody try the sr9009 Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    DNP and Fat Loss. DNP Cycle Dosages.

    Thinking of doing 150mgs a day DNP 20mgs a day phentermine for 75 days while hitting gym daily I am on T.R.T and will be taking Nac and Taurine also daily electrolytes keeping protien up carbs and calories down Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Cabergoline - A Dopamine Agonist

    All liquid Caber is crap ask around many will confirm never waste money on that Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Can u take Clen longer if u take 1mg of ketotifen daily Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Anybody try this stuff get results Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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    Blast and cruise on doc trt

    T.R.T is only test cyp in the U.S not anything else try entourage its 140 a month u get doc consults online or by phone u have to do your own blood work at many places its like 75 bucks as far as doctors having u come in alot they are screwing your insurance amd making money off of u tell them...