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  1. C

    how long is too long?

    PM someone and check, that's the only good thing to do. If it's a standup guy, you shouldn't have to worry.
  2. C


    don't run them together. too liver toxic.
  3. C

    Vitamine B12 VS B complex

    vit b complex usually has a lower concentration of b12. Which is inconvenient.
  4. C

    Anyone used this drug before ?

    doesn't work at all.
  5. C

    primo for bulking or cutting??

    i thought you were on a cycle now?
  6. C

    Anavar for women

    The only thing i reccomend for a woman is anavar or primo. If it's her first run, start low, no need to rush it. She'll only need 100 of the 5 mg tabs. 5 mg/day weeks 1-2 10 mg/day weeks 3-8 Split the dose into 12 hour increments.
  7. C

    How should I shoot this?

    every other day.
  8. C

    after cytomel whats next

    i like to go clean and not taking anything taht affects the thyroid.
  9. C

    bros i need an opinion

    that's a good point, if you plan to go with low dose primo (300 mg) you could add eq for the synergestic effect. i haven't seen DL anavar since the botched 40 mg ones were out. I might have to invest in the normal batches.
  10. C

    GH ?

    depends on expiration dates. GH that expired a few months ago is going to be wicked cheap, but some question the quality. So long as it is stored in controlled environments, it should be fine. ie, no excessive moisture, heat etc....
  11. C

    after cytomel whats next

    i'm pretty sure after cytomel, you take...... NOTHING absolutely nothing that affects your thyroid. That will help for a nice recovery at least.
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    Hangover Cures

    before sleep: 64 oz of water 4 advil PM upon waking: 1 NYC 32 oz of gatorade PB&J sandwich that always works for me. that or i'll take a couple vals before i hit the sack with the water, and don't feel anything, ever.
  13. C

    ~*Chocolate Is A Vegetable*~

    i'll be very nice, that is supposing that you post some pics :)
  14. C

    question about shaving

    ok, i use the gilette mach 3 razor on everything. For body parts, i use the women's venus one, but same thing. I use a preshave moisturizer before i shave my chest/abs, and then use a brand new blade and shave against the grain. This takes forever, but i use hot water, and it's a sharp blade...
  15. C

    Medical Question?

    Normally one of the testicles is larger than the other. However, if there is a sudden change in distribution, it could be a partial hernia. Having a pain is commong throughout a cycle, as it is playing hell on the endocrine system. If you go to the doctor, i would tell him you took a 1-test...
  16. C

    bros i need an opinion

    that will work nicely. He'll notice a lot higher nitrogen retention with the primo, but the anavar will be the magic... i assume he'll use mex anavar?
  17. C

    Homebrew Test

    generally it takes 8-10% ba for the suspension not to crash out of oil.
  18. C

    whats your next cycle?

    ok, currently 5'11 216-220 at 12% bf Next cycle will be a lot of primo and anavar. Probably: Primo at 700 mg/wk Anavar at 40 mg/day
  19. C

    Homebrew Test

    suspension in oil usually requires a little more BA......