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  1. Loch Ness


    I dont know the exact answer to your questions, but it must go to work pretty quick. I have a couple of friends that do low doses just to stay lean and vascular. The heat is almost unbearable from this stuff and in six days these guys will loose 10-15 lbs. of pure fat and look all jacked up. One...
  2. Loch Ness

    Gear 101 !!!!!!

    What do you do with the two cc's that you take out in the very beginning? Step 12
  3. Loch Ness


    Had my fina all mixed with the oil and had it nice and hot to pour inthe funnel. Then I decided I would be smart and pour half now swith filters and then the last half. I must have spilled a good 3 ml. I am very disappointed. I just kina sat there and starred at it I thought about licking it...
  4. Loch Ness


    One last question, after I get everything done, how much tren will I have? I used the 4g kit. If I want to go 100mg/eod approx. how long should this last? Sorry for the stupid ques.
  5. Loch Ness


    Yeah bro thanks I might post later in case of any more questions. I know I can find good help here.
  6. Loch Ness


    What do you suggest if pellests fragments are sticking to the side of the vial while it is in the hot water bath? Should I try to manipulate them into the solution vial swirling?
  7. Loch Ness

    Help with Dosing?????

    Yeah that answered my question, unless you had opions for the cycle
  8. Loch Ness

    Help with Dosing?????

    Here is my cycle in its last form Weeks 1-10 test prop. 100mg/eod Weeks 1-10 EQ 400mg/wk Weeks 1-10 Fina 150mg/eod I need help with the dosing of liquaclen and liquid T3. Should I just go with the doses that are laid out for the tablet form and make adjustments? Does...
  9. Loch Ness

    Ouch (the undestatement of the millenium)

    God That made me want to do leg presses today instead of squats
  10. Loch Ness

    Converting my fina this weekend...

    any last minute advise or tips?
  11. Loch Ness

    what r everyones stats right now??

    21yrs old 6'0'' 230 @ 8%bf(underwater weighing) still have'nt done a real cycle, had to quit last one @week 3 due to injury:mad:
  12. Loch Ness


    I personally like 200-300g of carbs/day. Cardio on non-lifting days right when I wake up. ECA before cardio and workout. Selenium(support thyroid while dieting), and a gugglsterone product. Is NYC any good how about yohiburn?
  13. Loch Ness


    she's hot . definetly I would like to see the size of that clit:eek:
  14. Loch Ness


    Anyone tried it? How would you run it? Is it good shiat?:p
  15. Loch Ness


    Great Board Never have I run into some cocky a**hole on this board trying to talk down to me. I have learned a lot and with everyone's help hope do well in my first competition.
  16. Loch Ness

    oxymetholone users

    He will be running test cyp. I'm sorry but I did'nt really understand what you said(pretty tired)
  17. Loch Ness

    Is my math right?

    what would be good doses for eod.
  18. Loch Ness

    oxymetholone users

    bump need help At least I talked the guy out of a dbol only cycle.
  19. Loch Ness

    oxymetholone users

    I have a friend who is going to do a test cycle, but would like to use a left over bottle of oxymetholone. How would he stack this with the test? Would he only use it for the first coulple of weeks? What kink of doses and how often to inject? A lot of Questions, but I have faith in you guys.