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  1. Loch Ness

    Hello everybody!

    Welcome, I was so nervous my first shot I was sweating bullets.
  2. Loch Ness

    Side Lined, maybe surgery!!!

    "Tough break" what a pun. sorry to hear about your injury.
  3. Loch Ness

    body fat measurement ghetto style

    The fat scales (BIA) bioelectrical impedence can be thrown off very easily. the simple use of diurectics or simply eating can throw off the level of water in your body and that is what these scales measure. They send an electrical signal which in theory conducts with the muscle you have and...
  4. Loch Ness

    Winny in amps?

    just wondering what brand might this be. It was suggested to me by the guy helping me to get ready for my contest. He said shoot it every third day???
  5. Loch Ness

    What would you do.....?

    I would say just keep on. I went to the barber the other day and he refused to cut my hair as short as I wanted it because he said I was losing too much hair and that I better hold on to what I got.
  6. Loch Ness

    Deca vs. EQ for bulking

    Well I'm cutting right now with eq/prop/fina and loving it. I know that this fall I want to put on some serious quality size. So since I am using eq now should I try deca or stick with eq. Also would I have to up the eq past 400mg/wk since that is what I am running now? I'm thinking a gain...
  7. Loch Ness

    Fairly new here. gimme a welcome

    Welcome this is a really good board.
  8. Loch Ness

    Source Checking

    Bump for good supplements:p
  9. Loch Ness

    Anyone tried AMP?

    just wondering. I know its used to increase vascularity before a contest. Do you inject or take orally
  10. Loch Ness

    Just started 1st cycle

    good luck bro, do everything possible to get the most out of that cycle. That is funny about your wife.
  11. Loch Ness

    Death and AAS

    Good info, the sad truth about our lifestyles.
  12. Loch Ness

    4th week update

    I'm ten weeks out. I figure 2lbs. per week isnt that bad, but mainly I just want to be as lean as my body will allow.
  13. Loch Ness

    4th week update

    5'11" 235 6% bf hope to be around 215 for contest
  14. Loch Ness

    4th week update

    Well some asked for updates on my cycle so here it is. I just started the forth week of eq/tren/prop. eq 400mg/wk tren 75mg/eod prop 100mg/eod Well last week I really started to see some results. I have seen an almost transformation in my body through cardio and strict diet. I planned this...
  15. Loch Ness


    bump this is a tricky game. I was nervous as hell about ordering my gear, but luckily it all turned out good.
  16. Loch Ness

    Help with diet

    Napalm, Thank you so much for giving me such detailed information and helping me with my diet. Yes my bf goal is around 2-3%, and no I have never dieted for a show. I was hoping to compete in the novice division of 176+. Taking 5g glutamine pre, post workout and before bed. Take creatine 5g...
  17. Loch Ness

    Hair Growth on EQ

    I'm on eq right now so I don't know if its that or what, but I have to shave a lot more often.