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  1. Loch Ness

    Help with diet

    oh yeah also 5g of creatine and glutamine post workout. I'm 5'11'' 228 at 8% 21yrs. old Having trouble with fat around belly button and lower back. Cardio 4xweek 30min
  2. Loch Ness

    Help with diet

    I'm going to show you a typical day of my diet. Any suggestions are welcome. I am ten weeks out from my first show. 8am 2 whole eggs 8 egg whites 1 pack regulare oatmeal(nasty) .5 cup blueberries 1tblsp flax oil 10am Met-rx ultra mrp 2 tblsp nat. peanut butter 12noon 10 oz. chicken/tuna 3...
  3. Loch Ness

    who's ON?

    Just started 3rd week of eq/fina/prop very clean diet and early cardio. Steady gains.
  4. Loch Ness

    r-ALA dosing?

    I was taking 3g of regular ALA. I decided to order some of this stuff. Anyone know how much I should take to get the same benefits as 3g of the regular stuff?
  5. Loch Ness

    Zip down??

    I had problems yesterday, but just got on a minute ago.
  6. Loch Ness

    23x1.5 too large for delts?

    Trying to keep the eod injections in the glutes and thighs so I figured that I could put my eq shots in the delts. Is 23g pins too large for delts. Should I not go in very deep?
  7. Loch Ness


    HUGE BUMP I was having a problem with their website so I called and the order got to me in two days great service.
  8. Loch Ness

    Anything Else?

    Thanks guys I might hold off on the T3 and just run clen and a eca or nyc. I do hope to do a contest in late Sept. I might post weekly updates since this seems to be a popular cycle. I started on Mon. and yesterday(thurs.) I felt really strong at the gym. It might have just been mental. The...
  9. Loch Ness

    Anything Else?

    Okay boys its done and started. This is the first week of eq/prop/tren. Today will be my third shot. The fina and prop and killing me, but the pain will be worth it. Doing prop @ 100mg eod, tren @ 75mg eod, and eq @ 400/wk. This is a cutting cycle so starting off light with cardio 4x wk and...
  10. Loch Ness

    I am in LOVE

    I just started a threesome with lady tren, prop, and eq.
  11. Loch Ness

    double sessions= puke

    double sessions=dedication. Its hard to get up force down some eca and workout on an empty stomach, only to get light headed from the lack of food, but you do it love it and hopefully get down as many eggs and oatmeal as you can when you get home.
  12. Loch Ness

    Rotation sites

    I'm doing prop, eq, and tren. I plan on mixing the prop and tren and shoot eod. the eq will be mon and thurs. My question is should I have four sites for the tren and prop (quads and glutes) and two sites for the eq (delts). Let me know the way some of you would rotate these shots.
  13. Loch Ness

    All personal trainers please READ

    I prefer free weights personally, but if the client is limited I have always had good experience with cybex. A machine is only as good as the maintanence of it. Stick to basic machines nothing fancy.
  14. Loch Ness

    Best addition to EQ/prop/fina

    Alright earlier there was some debate on using clen. I'm wondering what the best fat burner would be to add to my cycle (eq/prop/fina/l-dex). Should I try nyc or go with clen. I know some of you do not like dnp, but I plan on doing a very low dose for competition. Loch Ness
  15. Loch Ness


    Been hearing some good stuff about this. Wondering when to take (end of cycle) I heard a common dosing is half a tab ed. How many tabs would I need? Would you still run liquidex with this? LochNess
  16. Loch Ness

    NAPALM - Good luck tomorrow!!

    Good luck bro, get the overall. Dont stress (like I'm so sort of expert)
  17. Loch Ness


    Sorry for the bad post. I have complete faith in the mods and fully trust them. I will keep this shit off the board. Do I get some type of award for bing flamed on the board that does'nt flame:p Once again sorry Loch Ness
  18. Loch Ness


    I ordered from a recommended source from this board and he is not returning any of my emails and according to what he said I should have received it buy now. I know I should be patient and it will propably come, but damn I get eager about this shit.
  19. Loch Ness

    How long can I stay on Liquidex?

    I had to stop my first cycle early (mid-May), but have'nt been able to convince myself to stop the liquidex. I think I saw gearedup say it was safe to stay on for a long time, but just wanted other opinions. The stuff has made me more vascular, and I can clearly see my abs.
  20. Loch Ness


    When people ask me where I get my juice or what kind of juice I use, I tell them that Harris Teeter has great deals on all kinds of juice. I totally agree with you guys. Anytime people ask me for advice on improving their appearances they have no interest what so ever in hearing about diet and...