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  1. Loch Ness

    synthol in calves

    Just give it time. Back in Feb. I started to really focus on improving my calves. I work the out everyday that I lift and have added some serious size to them. Take a two week break from working them out and then try working them out every time you lift. You may even want to make it the first...
  2. Loch Ness

    Is my math right?

    If I have a 4g kit (fina) can I just divide 4000 by the number of days I plan to run it to get my doses? Example 4000/49 = 81.6mg/ed for 7wks 4000/56 = 71.4mg/ed for 8wks Please dont bust my balls is this is wrong.
  3. Loch Ness

    opinions on EQ

    Would I run the EQ the whole 10 weeks of the cycle?
  4. Loch Ness

    opinions on EQ

    What if you could not obtain a reliable winny? Would EQ be a good substitute in a fina and test Prop. cycle? Or any other suggestions.
  5. Loch Ness

    revised cycle check it out!

    Also what do you bros think of adding proviron and HCG?
  6. Loch Ness

    revised cycle check it out!

    I've decided to change up my cycle to avoid being a walking pin cushion. week 1-10 test prop. 100mg/eod week 1-7 fina 80mg/ed week 6-12 winny 50mg/ed week 1-3 eca week 4-6 clen (pyramid up and down) week 7-9 eca week 10-12 clen week 1-12 liquidex @ .25mg/ed will also run...
  7. Loch Ness

    Please Critique Cycle

    I hope to do my first competition in week 12 of this cycle. I'm 21, 230lbs. @ 8%bf(underwater weighing). Week 1-10 Test Prop. 100mg/eod Week 5-12 fina 75mg/day Week 6-12 winny 50mg/day Week 1-12 l-dex .25/day Clomid 3 days after last fina injection. Will run clen 2 on 1 off if I can get my...
  8. Loch Ness

    Contest Cycle

    bump, need help
  9. Loch Ness

    Contest Cycle

    I already have a 4g. fina kit
  10. Loch Ness

    Contest Cycle

    I'm still recovering from a back injury, but still plan to do a contest in late Sept. I was in week three of my first cycle when I injured my back and decided to stop. Anyway I guess by mid June I will be 100%. I need help planning a contest stack. Looking for optimal hardness and vascularity. I...
  11. Loch Ness

    ncaa drug test

    The key is to give yourself time to somewhat clean out. I played college ball for a few years and there is this little thing called two-a-days that really helps flush everything out.
  12. Loch Ness

    2nd cycle please help

    I really like 46 and 2's cycle he recommened. I think that is the ideal next cycle for me. Good job bro:)
  13. Loch Ness

    newbie fina questions

    What is the fina of choice for you guys? (brand) How much fina do I need for a 4g. kit? What is the best thing to stack with the fina? (for cutting) Thanks for the help Loch Ness
  14. Loch Ness

    I have to end cycle early

    I have severely injured my back. It has been almost a week and I still have problems walking. This was some freak accident because I was only squatting with 315. The doctor said its a virus that has inflamed my lower back. I might give it a little longer. If I do stop should i wait two weeks...