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  1. 9

    I need advice on how to get rid of gym distractions.

    I really don't want to give the name of the gym since it is a popular chain and would hate for some people to stereotype the certain gym. More then half the gym has went elsewhere but in order for me to do that, I'll end up spending more for gas money, monthly fee, etc.; plus it's another...
  2. 9

    Four parachutes

  3. 9

    what a fuck'n day...

    Bro, I'm sorry to hear about this and God bless you and your family. I'll say a prayer for everyone. Good luck.
  4. 9

    Britney,Madonna, Christina MEOW!

    I still have a hard on from seeing them kiss.
  5. 9

    Critique my workout routine

    Good point. I may change legs to Thursday and shoulders to Monday to give my delts a rest.
  6. 9

    Critique my workout routine

    But I don't have the same body composition as him. ;) I may give my routine a shot and just change it up every few weeks with back and bis, then chest and tris.
  7. 9

    Long time, no visit!

    PM will be sent in a few.
  8. 9

    I need advice on how to get rid of gym distractions.

    bigshug, Yup, they do but this what the place has turned into. They know me really well and know that I am a member but chose to be dicks about it. Once they tell me I can't lift because my card is at home or elsewhere and want $5, I will seriously consider going to another gym.
  9. 9

    92StangMan's info.

    Al, I'm going to talk with footballcat and see if he can help me with my dieting. I'm shooting for 200g of protein per day which shouldn't be too hard. I've been out of the gym phase for so long I've forgot a lot but I'm sure everything will pick back up. I read the article in either this or...
  10. 9

    Critique my workout routine

    Here it is: Monday: AM -- Quads and Hams PM -- Calves and Abs Tuesday: AM -- Back and traps PM -- Tris Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Shoulders Friday: AM -- Chest PM -- Bis How does this look? Should I train bi's with back and tris with chest...
  11. 9

    92StangMan's info.

    My PC cam sucks ass and the pics are horrible so I'm just going to log my info down to keep track. I haven't really lifted for three months and my diet has consisted of 2 to 3 meals per day with it containing no protein. Height: 6' Weight: 161lbs Waiste: 32.5" Chest: 40" Arms: 13.5"...
  12. 9

    If you had the chance to lift with anyone bodybuilder, who would it be?

    I'll say a prayer for you, bro. I hope everything works out!
  13. 9

    I need advice on how to get rid of gym distractions.

    Ever since the new owner has taken over the local gym I frequent, it has slowly went down hill since she's too damned picky about everything. I've been going there for a long time and if I show up without my card, she won't let me lift or else I pay $5 which is bullshit. You can't pay in check...
  14. 9

    If you had the chance to lift with anyone bodybuilder, who would it be?

    Al, How's everything going with the wife? I remember reading that you two were having some problems. Has everything panned out?
  15. 9

    How much longer until you start your bulking cycle?

    Woo, when I said "cycle" I didn't mean a steroid cyle, just a cycle from here up until April or May of eating. LOL, sorry for the confusion! Let me rephrase my question: How much longer until you start to bulk? No steroids for me at least for a long time. The PD is anal about that and...
  16. 9

    How much longer until you start your bulking cycle?

    Yeah about me being young--I'm 20.
  17. 9

    All woman i need your help

    Just screw her brains out. You both win. You get laid and she loses weight. :) Anyhow, good luck with everything.
  18. 9

    If you had the chance to lift with anyone bodybuilder, who would it be?

    Are you hi-jacking my thread?!?! :D rico, the question deals with anyone bodybuilder in their prime. I really don't know too many people on this board to say I would like to lift weights with any certain one more then the other. I would like to lift with everyone, if the occasion came up...
  19. 9

    How much longer until you start your bulking cycle?

    This will be my first bulking cycle and I'm hoping to gain 20-25lbs before Spring of next year. I will need to read up a lot more since I'm not too informed on how much to eat, what's the proper calorie intake, etc. Since I just started lifting again (I had to take 3 months off), I've lost...