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  1. Zao

    ephedrine for eca stack

    Sadly ephedrine is a controlled substance in France.
  2. Zao

    ephedrine for eca stack

    Aspirin help to enhance the thermogenic, stimulant and apetit suppressant of ephedrine and cafeine. I don't know how it work biologically.
  3. Zao

    Pros and cons of women and test

    Maybe iron, B complex can help her.
  4. Zao

    Pros and cons of women and test

    Your wife need rest, vitamines, massages. Gift her a week with sauna and hammam.
  5. Zao

    Compounding prohormones and AAS?

    Yes PH and DS are not same things.
  6. Zao

    Any good Movies Out in Theaters Now?

    Not yet... I listen your advice and don't go to cinema. Waiting for divx :-)
  7. Zao

    Pros and cons of women and test

    Short ester, light dose, short cycle.
  8. Zao

    Pros and cons of women and test

    I think test is a bad idea fort this purpose, changes induce by test on women are forever (deep voice, big clit, mustache, etc). Maybe she work to much? Take a break. Sleep more, take vitamine. Have a god diet. Help her for house cleaning and other task...
  9. Zao

    Pros and cons of women and test

    Voice change is forever...
  10. Zao

    Clean liver---- less fat

    Desmodium is good for liver.
  11. Zao

    Compounding prohormones and AAS?

    Test E + epistane. Epistane is a good anabolic, good stengh and have a light anti estrogen activity. Stack good with injectable gear.
  12. Zao

    Anavar why so costly!!!!!

    Yeah primo il expensive too!
  13. Zao


    Can you post pics? It can be oxidation or mold.
  14. Zao

    EuroChem Labs question FOR EVERYONE

    Boldoject (boldenone) 100mg/w + Masterject (masteron) 100mg/w + Methanol (dianabol) 20 to 30 mg/d 5d a w and 2w on 1 off. + proviron 25mg/d (another brand) 5d a w and 2w on 1 off (with dbol). Since 8 week. Boldoject is very smooth to inject, non pip. Materject 1 day after inject area is little...
  15. Zao

    ass sex

    Ho, I hope mine will not tend me the same trap!