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  1. G

    researchkits gone bad?

    I'm not worried about who to use. I now have a supply place in Canada I will now be using. I'm just concerned about the money I currently have tied up with researchkits.
  2. G

    researchkits gone bad?

    I haven't seen nor heard anything for 1 month to the day since I have placed my order from research kits. I have emailed them numerous times with no reply. The guys at massmonsterz said they have gone *******. Has anyone else had a problem?
  3. G

    how old where you when you did first cycle?

    19. Too young but fuckit! I'll go for a while longer than quit for a few years.
  4. G

    I hope everyone's day and weekend went way better than mine...

    That is so very true! I love people watching. My girlfriend always gets mad because when ever we go somewhere i am always watching people and not paying attention to her.
  5. G

    Who actually likes this?

    I never thought I would say this but... I want her body! :D
  6. G

    question about shaving

    Use a Gillette Mach3. I used to get the worst razor burn. I then baught one and started shaving after my shower and I never get it anymore. I also found that shaving daily helped and using Edge shave gel sensitive skin works great.
  7. G

    whats your next cycle?

    Week 1-10 500 mgs Enanthate Week 4-11 75mgs ed fina week 1-4 35mgs dbol. May throw in Deca if the funds are there.
  8. G

    Heres my cycle! Take a look

    Fuck me! 3 grams of test a week! Now your going down to 2. I think that much juice is overkill. I sure hope you visit your doc often.
  9. G

    Anyone have exp with clen post cycle?

    start with .050mcg/day. Work your way up until you get really shaky. Stay at that dose. It will probably be around .125-.150 mcg. run it for 2 weeks preferably when you start clomid. Good luck.
  10. G

    insulin question

    Ideally if you are trying to minimise fat gains on insulin you should not eat fat 2 hours before insulin and for the during of it's activity. If you do this you should not gain too much fat. I have ran insulin a couple times and did not notice a lot from it. I had wicked pumps all the time...
  11. G

    WWE going too far

    I must have gotten the editted version because all i saw was HHH do his little speach and then grab her tits. There was no removing of clothes or anything like that from what i saw.
  12. G

    Girls - lend me your ears...

    Zoom and Bay Siren, Do you orgasm easily from sex or foreplay?Do you have a very active sex drive? I have heard of girls having o's from rubbing their ear or toe and also ones who can get off in their sleep (my girl :D ) but nothing like this. It's kind of crazy how powerful the mind and body...
  13. G

    Cutting Cycle easy on the hair

    This came from For starters, oxymetholone will easily convert to estrogen and DHT. Hair loss has also been reported among users with a predisposition for male-pattern baldness.
  14. G

    Cutting Cycle easy on the hair

    I thought drol and dbol were hard on the hair?
  15. G

    50mg Nolvadex?

    I have 50mg nolva's, mine are purple, wheat colour are yours? They work like they are supposed to. I am not sure who makes them. I think they are made by the same company that makes those yellow 50mg winny tabs. A chinese company. Split your pill in 3, that's about 17mgs each.
  16. G

    Who believes in timeout for children?

    I couldn't agree more! CHild abuse is one thing but spanking is another. There is absolutely nothing wrong with spanking a child on the ass. I was such a little shit when I was a kid that I dread to think of where I would be if I wasn't disciplined. My dad always taught me to respect my elders...
  17. G

    Musclechem is GROWING!!

    There sure are a lot more members here since the FB problems started. When i first saw this board there were around 4500 members I think. Now there are over 5000! Things are looking up!
  18. G

    Injecting Winny! OUCH!!!

    I've been injecting it into my chest with an 1/2" insulin syringe lately and find it to be least painful. I have also notices my chest fill out a bit so i think I will keep doing it.
  19. G

    When you all say do 40 minutes of cardio twice a day for a show.............?

    Cardio twice a day for 40 minutes is too much in my opinion. You do it that long and you are going to be burning muscle as well. I think cardio in the morning follwed by a very strict diet through out the day and you should be able to hit your target look. I know a guy who competes who diets...
  20. G

    LL Cool J had to take something

    I haven't seen him lately. I would be interested to see a pic. Does any one have one they could post?