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  1. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    That's good to hear. Time to get some proscar! Thanks for the help Deca and SC.
  2. G

    Mods you might want to look at this!

    Oh, bigguns your a snitch! :D j/k I know your just looking out for this board.
  3. G

    Mods you might want to look at this!

    Hey that's me! I wasn't trying to bring postwhores here. I was saying in earlier posts that there was no postwhoring here. Then they started saying this board suck so I was rubbing it in their faces. Sorry if I caused any confusion. No negativity was directed towards this board. It was all...
  4. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    Deca, you said proscar didn't effect your gains. Did it cause you any sexual side effects on or off cycle?
  5. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    do you know where to get this topical spironolactone stuff from?
  6. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    Do you have an example?
  7. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    Good link SC. But what the hell do I do. it says that it may hinder gains and it may be bad to block test from converting to DHT. So does that mean that if I want gains I have to let my hair fall out? Is there anything else I can take or does anyone have experiance using Proscar during a cycle...
  8. G

    Proscar use on cycle!!

    Does using proscar during a cycle hinder your gains? I read somewhere at MC that you shouldn't use Proscar if your a bodybuilder because it hurts your gains. But I have also read many places of guys using proscar during their cycle. Can someone with experience clear this up for me. Thanks.
  9. G

    Injecting Winny! OUCH!!!

    My first shot of winny was last wednesday in my left bicep. I decided to shoot eod. Well now it is monday and my bicep is still in pain. I injected friday into my left pec and yesterday into my right pec. My left pec is fine and right one is a little sore but nothing like my bicep. how come my...
  10. G

    starting week 4 up 17lbs

    I don't think sust hurts. Warm up your amps on a glass of hot water, massage the area well and inject slowly. It won't hurt after that. Try injecting winny! I never massaged my bicep 3 days ago and I still can't move it!
  11. G


    Morbid, your sig is hilarious.
  12. G


    I know yyour pain. I have waxed my chest and stomach also and that shit hurts. But it seriously does hurt less the more you do it. I haven't done it in a while and have gotten really hairy from this cycle so i think I'll stick to using clippers for now! :D
  13. G

    How Fast Can You Spank Your Monkey?

    I am the king monkey Spanker!!!! 729 mph!!!:D I have the pic to prove it too but can't post it! Fuckin computers!
  14. G

    How come my balls are still large????

    My gains are great, I am up like 17 pounds with little water and very little fat. I am not using ldex either. I am not sure why they are still there. I guess it doesn't matter if I am making good gains.
  15. G

    How come my balls are still large????

    I actually don't have large balls (smaller the potatoes the bigger the STEAK :D ), but they're balls. Anyway, last cycle my balls were the size of pea's at week 7. Well I am in my second cycle at week 7 and have lost very little, if any size in my nuts. My first cycle was 500mgs/w Omnadren 10...
  16. G

    Annual Party

    That sounds good! :D Calgary is where I live too! Maybe we can be best friends and have sleep overs!!
  17. G

    What a Cry baby drama show Fitnessboard is!!

    Yeah, i talk shit about FB but I still go there once in a while. There is always something completely stupid going on there which is entertaining. It makes you feel good knowing that no matter how bad you feel atleast your not a complete nut case like some of them are.
  18. G


    Yeah, people can tell when you gain that much weight. My first cycle I put on 30 pounds. None of my clothes fit, I got a shit load of stretch marks in my arm pits and inner thighs and I looked like the Michelin Man. The bloat could have been avoided but I didn't want to spend the money. Anyone...
  19. G

    Anyone else always hot??

    I sweat mostly just at the gym and at night! I have to sleep with no blankets and the fan on me and I still wake up in a puddle of sweat! I also get super sweaty when I'm having sex, even if it isn't a hardcore bang fest!
  20. G

    What a Cry baby drama show Fitnessboard is!!

    Yeah, I just wish I had the 1300 posts still to my name. I have all of like 15 here. I guess I'm a newbie again! :D