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  1. realcooltime

    Testiviron Depot 250.  Any info?

    about 19 lbs was muscle. cycle total gain was 32 lbs in 8 weeks very exp lifter, newbie juicer. kept 15 solid, coulda kept more but I refuse to carry excess bodyfat. also, life in the infantry will waste, repeat WASTE muscles off you like nobody's business... must mention it was stacked...
  2. realcooltime

    Testiviron Depot 250.  Any info?

    i gained 20 lbs on TVD in 3 weeks!!! ZB
  3. realcooltime

    Testiviron Depot 250.  Any info?

    it is the best test ever. anyone who has tried it knows. it is human grade, blow sustanon out of the water ZB
  4. realcooltime


    Oh yeah!? I've got shades too!!! and I have an Oprah magazine on my coffeetable, left by my GF! I read it all the time, especially the sage advice of Dr. Phil Join the fucking Oprah Winfrey Book club or die presser!!! Ziggy Barley
  5. realcooltime


    hey I want an the hell do I do it??? ZB
  6. realcooltime

    liquidex VS Nolvadex: need help!!!

    awesome, thanks..! But if one were to run say sust 500mg /wk, for 10 weeks, which of the two would be preferable? And what dosages would be best for each? Should these drugs start right with the cycle, or should one wait till nips itch??? I don't understand how much one would need of these...
  7. realcooltime

    sources: fronting?!

    thanks all!
  8. realcooltime

    liquidex VS Nolvadex: need help!!!

    Hi all, I have some more questions; hey, at least I'm not trying to pretend I'm juice expert... I hear that Liquidex is far superior to Nolva, but I don't understand why and how. I also know that Nolva is way cheaper. What would be best for a cycle such as this? wks 1-10 sust 500mg/wk eq...
  9. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    we have nothing but IAs and stoppages with the m16 mags unless we dump the whole mag at once... love the belt/box combo though... zb
  10. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    seen that last mel gibson movie, the vietnam one--they call arty on their own position--learned that trick from us... scary but works--need a deep hole w/ a lot of overhead protection...hope it never happens to me! peace, ZB
  11. realcooltime

    sources: fronting?!

    Hi all, What is the deal with sources "fronting"? Are there actually real sources who will front gear, awaiting payment on delivery & testing the stuff out? Man I would sure like that, no way to get ripped off that way! --But-- My guess is that there are just as many shady gear users as...
  12. realcooltime

    mods vets, pls comment--big problems with Ttokkyo labs?!

    Exactly, shredded, you are the voice of reason. A lot of bros may not grow on (x) roid or get gyno with (y) roid or know that stacking 400mgs of (z) roid with (w) roid should produce certain results. If the stuff isn't what it says it is, and in the right concentrations--there could be serious...
  13. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    Hey there BG, how do you like the 3* power optical sight on the LMG (as seen in pic)? Our minimi is different from your SAW: we have: Heavier barrels--couldn't fit the US lazer gear on em when we were in fort lewis on a training ex. Can pump out more rounds before heat warping. Less need for...
  14. realcooltime

    need help understanding liquid winstrol D

    Hi all! Here's the specs: 1)Winstrol D, 50 mgs injectable 2)In this case, to be used to close a cycle How long does it take for one to feel and get good effect from injectable winstrol? A few days, the same day...? How long does 50 mgs last in the blood? Thanks all, Peace Ziggy B
  15. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    There's only one branch that uses that kinda hardware. The infantry. I am a section and platoon-level machine gunner. Peace, ziggy B
  16. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    Fuck I waxed those myself, but the location must remain a secret. As you know, the military has its own justice system. That means I could end up in military prison. Which is worse than civvy prison, trust me... ziggy b
  17. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    yeah, like the US...joined into both world wars after we had been fighting them for 2 years in
  18. realcooltime

    DecaDent, this pic is for you!

    Don't you think it's time Bin Laden met my personal Jesus?!
  19. realcooltime

    low-cost cycle ideas?

    Hi all, Goldenear, re-read what I wrote. I did 500mgs of Testoviron, WHICH IS NOT propinate, it is enanthanate. it has 50mgs of prop per amp. That mean I was doing 100mgs of prop a week. I also said I wanted to try and avoid test if I could. But buying the requisite amount of oxandolone...