Search results

  1. T

    Sustanon vs test prop

    If you were running a test only cycle (for a newb such as myself), would it be better to run Sust for 10 to 12 weeks or frontload prop for the first 3 or 4 weeks of a test-e cycle giving the longer esters a chance to kick in? I've seen posts knocking sust for being a waste due to the mgs of the...
  2. T

    Trying to buy a suit

    mcgaret, I tried men's wharehouse and wasn't getting out of there for less than around $800 for the suit that fit right. But I did find a great shop at the local mall that had great service, nice suits, and got what I needed (suit, shirt, tie and shoes) for a little over $200 Buffalo, thanks...
  3. T

    Help in diet needed!

    Second the thermogenic supplement. I was dialed in on my diet and took 1 lipodrene in the afternoon and it helped with the cravings in addition to giving me a nice boost in the gym. It's made, correction was made, by Hi-tech pharma. You can still find some online. Good luck!
  4. T

    Do you have a goal?

    At 6' tall I wanna be around 235 lean. Im 245 after a vacation where there was no dietary discipline what so ever :satan:
  5. T

    Trying to buy a suit

    So my lady and I went to buy a suit for our upcoming wedding. Now i don't consider myself to be that big of a guy at 6' 225lbs but finding a jacket that fit my shoulders took some time. Then a pair of pants had to be 42" waist to fit my legs, that's understandable...I guess. So then i get a...
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    :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: LMFAO!!!
  7. T

    What to do when you travel?

    So my lady and I went on a weeks vacation out of state, and the question came up as to do we take the gear with us or not. Being very new to the AAS scene (she's running low dose HGH and I not on a cycle) we elected to leave it at home and not have any stress regarding the matter. My question is...
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    Lipodrene with ephedra

    No that's Lipozene. The sit on your couch, don't change your diet, do absolutely nothing and see results pill.....just take lipozene :suspect:
  9. T

    Lipodrene with ephedra

    The article were I read about the seizure referred to 1,3 Dimethylamine HCI as DMAA. I'm too new to the pharmaceutical game to know. What is DMAA actually and what is it's main function?
  10. T

    Does gh work for everyone?

    Hey DUDE, I forwarded your reply on to my lady and it gave her a little reassurance. Her, and my, main problem is patience or lack there of :) She's gonna keep on with 2iu's a day for several more months at least. Thanks again
  11. T

    Lipodrene with ephedra

    Good stuff. FDA did a raide on HI-tech Pharm back in November of 2013 and siezed a crap load of product. It will be in litigation for a while. But stores that have stock still sell it. DMAA is the ingredient that the FDA has a problem with.....because it works. I take 1 in the am and 1...
  12. T

    Does gh work for everyone?

    I posted this threas in the female fitness forum as well but I also would like to hear from the fellas on this issue. Hello, got a question on behalf of my better half :) She is in the third month of using gh for fat loss and improved body composition. The first month she spent underdosed at...
  13. T

    Does gh work for all of you?

    Hello ladies, got a question on behalf of my better half :) She is in the third month of using gh for fat loss and improved body composition. The first month she spent underdosed at 2iu ed. She started to think that she may have got a bad batch so in month #2 she ramped up to 4iu ed. She...
  14. T

    Strained Rhomboid and Very Frustrated

    I had the Grand Daddy of the Sleep number beds - Just over $5000 :eek:. It worked amazing for back pain. The wife (at the time) had her soft side and I had my weight bench side. This was the one item I wish I did not give up in the divorce. I do get not going cheap on a mattress Presser, and...
  15. T

    The Deadlift RELEASES Testosterone and Growth Hormones

    I found a good way to deadlift after recovery from a lower back injury. I use the seated shoulder shrug machine and face the back pad. It forces good form and you don't lower the weight all the way down to the ground. Just FYI for the injured :)
  16. T

    Strained Rhomboid and Very Frustrated

    Been stretching my chest out a few times a day for the past couple of days and things seem to be getting a bit better. Thanks for the advice Presser - I got my mattress from IKEA. Don't know if you have one near by, but the price was great and the mattress is awesome....$599 if I remember...
  17. T

    Strained Rhomboid and Very Frustrated

    CH3NO2 - Thanks for the heads up. My bed is only about 1 year old. I used to have a softer mattress with a pillow top and it killed me. I need a counter top with a sheet over it :) But I am a side sleeper, curling my shoulders forward even when I sleep :( I'll try to set something up to...
  18. T

    Strained Rhomboid and Very Frustrated

    Now that you mention it, I do have shitty posture when Im at work (shoulders forward). I'll give it shot. Thanks
  19. T Is Looking For New Site Representatives! Please Read!

    Brand new newbie if that's OK. Shoot me a message (or respond here, which ever is more appropriate) with details of what's involved.