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  1. N

    Tren e 250mg/mL made with MCT

    Have you ever had a bad gcms result yet? It seems like the last couple that were posted from others on here came back high as well. If its true then does this mean china is putting out good raws atm?
  2. N

    Mislabeled Test

    Did you get two separate packages of 50g's each and one of them is labelled tp100? I don't see how you got 50g free lol. It just sounds like they mislabel a 50g as 100g. Either way you only got 50g of powder. You're probably confusing the weight (grams) vs mg/ml in prepared oils.
  3. N

    How do I salvage this Mast-P brew (125mg/ml)?

    It only has a few crystals that wouldn't dissolve so I filtered all of it anyway. The resulting brew would crash occasionally but heating it up on the stove clears it all up. Overall, not a big issue. I guess next time I'll probably keep it at 100mg/ml.
  4. N

    Question about Test Enanthate powder / brick

    How much do you think powders can degrade if kept is a regular environment with fluctuating temps? I.E in a drawer. Which would be better for storage, brewing it or keeping it in powder form? Thanks.
  5. N

    Can ethyl oleate melting through plastic receiver bottle?

    That's probably what happened in addition to me using too much pressure. I usually use millipore pvdf for all my brews, but for this one I used a nalgene nylon since I had it. Are there any other filters that can handle eo and guaiacol well? I've been using the pvdf filters for my brews with eo...
  6. N

    Can ethyl oleate melting through plastic receiver bottle?

    That's what I figured. Thanks I wasn't aware of BA making it more acidic. I kept it in the bottle because the filter blew, and I ran out of filters. Sucks to lose that much, but luckily it wasn't a more expensive compound like tren or mast.
  7. N

    Can ethyl oleate melting through plastic receiver bottle?

    I recently lost about 300ml of test pp that I was storing in a plastic receiver bottle (from disposable bottletop filters). The way I found it was a bit odd. Some of the test turned into a sticky gel which probably happen due to the heat. The weird part was the crack/opening on the bottle, it...
  8. N

    Best TNE recipe

    How is the pip? I'm thinking about just making tne at 50mg because it's easier to hold. I don't want to use too much guaiacol.
  9. N

    Mass Spec Info !!

    Thanks for sharing. I am assuming this was your homebrew? I'm surprised npp was that underdosed, usually thats a cheap compound to produce.
  10. N

    NPP and test PP cook?

    Are you going to be using a syringe filter? I've brewed test pp at about 125mg/ml with 1.5% BA, and I think 15% BB. Numbers for everything look reasonable. You'll have to test to find out if they'll work or not. If it's not mixing completely than you'll need to add some more BB.
  11. N

    MCT carrier oil?

    How thin is apricot to mct? I've only tried gso, and mct. Both are smooth, but mct is a lot thinner. I might give apricot a try next time. Also, how does mct give more scar tissue?
  12. N

    Would there be any issues with using a expired bottle top filter?

    Thanks. I was looking at the millipore pvdf. I messaged the seller, and he said these products can be good for up to 10yrs after sterilization. I think the expiration is usually 2yrs from sterilization date. I'm looking at one with a dec 2015 expiration date. But I know I won't be using it all...
  13. N

    Would there be any issues with using a expired bottle top filter?

    I've been browsing on ebay and found a few listings for expired millipore bottletop filters. The discount is pretty decent. I was wondering do you guys think there would any issues with using them? Obviously they are still factory sealed. But i'm not sure expiration works with sterility...
  14. N

    I have 40g of tren base/suspension

    Any updates on the tren base brew? How is it?
  15. N


    It was a bitch to make a tne/adrol, and tne/tren blends. The pip sucks as well. You might as well go with them separate.
  16. N

    Help with bottle top filter!!

    What are you filtering (the recipe as well), and at what psi? 500ml shouldn't take more than 1.5 hours and that is if you keep the psi low.
  17. N

    How do I salvage this Mast-P brew (125mg/ml)?

    Thanks. I ended up filtering it anyway. Most of it was clear except there was about 1g left (brewed 19g) of residue. I'm starting to think it might of been cut with something else. I've brewed mast-p before at 100mg/ml and everything cleared up fine. Now with new raws the mast-p didn't...
  18. N

    How do I salvage this Mast-P brew (125mg/ml)?

    I'm trying to brew mast-p at 125mg/ml at the moment. So far it is not mixing completely with 1.3% BA, 20% BB, and 10% EO added already. It's almost as if I'm working with tne. Should I try mixing it again but with a higher heat or do I add more solvents?
  19. N

    Masteron P vs Masteron E?

    It lowered my hdl, and kept my ldl high. If I remember correctly the last bloodwork I got while on mast my hdl dropped down to the low 30's, and ldl was around 160. Usually my hdl stays pretty good, but it seems like mast really drops my hdl even more than tren.
  20. N

    Is a painless tren a/mast p blend possible at 250mg/ml (125mg each)?

    I'm planning on trying 1.5% BA, 18%, and 25% eo. I think I might have to bump up the eo to 50%. Does this seem doable powderguy? Thanks in advance.