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  1. Team Flex

    Info for my bro!

    Were is he going to be injecting at?
  2. Team Flex

    Dumb Question

    Bro if you wife is wanting to get pregnant just hold of on the cycle and make sure you make her happy first. That why there is no worries and you can jump on the cycle and get growing.. :D
  3. Team Flex

    MuscleChemistry members get together

    Me too, I have always wanted to watch the UFC live in person! :(
  4. Team Flex

    T400 EOD!

    Up the deca bro... Be much better cycle if you do... Like they said up it too 400 at the least or try 500mg...
  5. Team Flex

    New here

    Welcome to the board! :D
  6. Team Flex

    Who doesnt like to go out every friday night?

    Legs after a night out.... Damn Prez you da man.... LOL :D
  7. Team Flex


    Big bump for Chem!!! Great service... :D
  8. Team Flex

    who the hell are...

    bwahahahhahah You bastards! :D
  9. Team Flex

    A Prayer For Her

    This is awful...... She will also be in my prayers and I will send an email for support.. God bless her....
  10. Team Flex


    I have had a well known source take almost 2 months to get my stuff in once. I was getting scared also. But I emailed a mod. They got in touch with the source. Come to find out this sources shipper just made a mistake and got my stuff in 4 days after that. So always email a mod before...
  11. Team Flex

    13 pills one sitting

    Now thats alot of water... hahaha
  12. Team Flex

    Shoutbox Pole

    I would like to make a suggestion to add a Shoutbox to MC. I really think it would be a great addition to the board. Its a great way to communicate with the members. When the post are slow we could always give a shout to some fellow members or what ever you may want. All comments are...
  13. Team Flex

    Bicep injections

    I have never done it before but Ouch!! Im sure its gonna hurt but I will give you a bump...
  14. Team Flex

    ephedrine off shelves???

    I heard the same thing.....
  15. Team Flex

    New Drug relased for DHT blocking

    Good info, Keep us informed DD!! :D
  16. Team Flex

    Start of 4th Week Cycle Update.

    I just started on Week # 4 40mg dbol wks 1-4 500mg QV Test Enanthate wks 1-10 400mg Ttokkyo EQ wks 1-10 Nolv and Clomid I have gained about 6 pounds so far and I figure that is probably the Dbol. Hope that my test and eq will really start to kick in this week. My strength has went up...
  17. Team Flex

    Body waxing!

    Yeah were can you get this done at... Im tired of shaving... Need that stuff gone....
  18. Team Flex

    13 pills one sitting

    I know bro..... I am the same way... Hate pills in the first place then you have to swallow 13 of them.... hahahaha Just dont cut it...
  19. Team Flex

    Your newest member...

    Welcome to MC...... :D Make sure to stay around and enjoy all the great bros on this board. They can give you the best advice anyone could ask for... :D