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    Hello Brotha, Did you tried Osta? I just wanted to know its result, also if I compare this with LGD-4033 then what is your aspect?
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    LGD 4033 vs Ostarine: Which Gives Better Results?

    If уоu аrе a professional athlete оr suffer frоm muscle problems, уоu ѕhоuld рrоbаblу knоw thе medicines called LGD-4033 аnd MRSA Ostarine. Bоth drugs аrе uѕеd tо treat chronic оr acute diseases related tо muscle оr age-related muscles ѕuсh аѕ diseases. Thеrе аrе mаnу MRSA аvаіlаblе оn thе...
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    RAD-140, also known as Testolone, is a SARM, a selective androgen receptor modulator. There is little danger of nonskeletal muscle tissues experiencing androgen activity. In fact, RAD-140 has the highest ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity of any SARM discovered, 90:1. Testosterone has an...
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    SARMS - What they Can Do.

    Good read, thanks for this nice thread. With the same positive effects as prohormones, but with a safer approach, SARMs could attain that perfect balance between safety and effectiveness. SARMs are unique because, unlike steroids and other prohormones, they have the ability to target specific...
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    Any one heard of BPC-157?

    Body Protective Compound 157 (BPC-157) is a peptide that has been recently studied to produce systemic effects on both the brain and the gut and repair those systems, you can try this peptide without any hesitation. BPC-157 may help with: Alcohol intoxication (acute and chronic) Amphetamine...
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    Fat lose for wife

    Forget about the supplements, just follow natural steps, though usually it takes time but works without any hassle. Choose well-balanced snacks. Eat dairy three times a day, unless you're allergic. Overcome nutritional fat phobia. Get your veggies in early. Don't cut out your favorite foods...
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    LGD-4033 & PCT

    You can try PCT this product, "Aromastim" would work fine coming off LGD-4033. It's basically a natural test booster and an aromatase inhibitor.
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    Brother, Does GW-1516 Work for Cutting?
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    How Much Calories/Macros Should I Eat to Cut!

    Currently, I have been taking these as below: Protein: 185g Carbs: 185g Fats: 60g Just looking for guidance on diet and cutting.
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    How can I slow down my sex drive

    try DECA or LGD-2226 which has even proven to aid in sexual function, as it has shown drastic improvement in studies, without affecting the prostate. In many lab studies, as well as human case studies, results have shown an increase in libido.LGD-2226, as well as a few others, can increase...
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    SARM Stenabolic - SR9009

    Good read, SR9009 is the next ‘IT’ supplement, especially with the promising results in the trials and according to the people who have experienced this.It’s normal for most athletes and pros to train their hardest before the competition, and to easily reach the level they want, it’s important...
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    Revisiting SARM SCIENCES Andarine S4 .

    great post bro. Cutting is the best use of S4. its properties are somewhat similar to Anavar and Winstrol but can provide better lean muscle gains compared to the mentioned steroids. There are cases where bodybuilders are able to gain up to 3 pounds while on a caloric deficit diet. The...
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    Good read, RAD-140 or Testolone, is a SARM, a selective androgen receptor modulator. There is little danger of nonskeletal muscle tissues experiencing androgen activity. In fact, RAD-140 has the highest ratio of anabolic to the androgenic activity of any SARM discovered, 90:1.Testosterone has an...
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    Sex Steroids and the Thyroid

    As one of the distasteful side effects of steroids or other strong testosterone-enhancers, the negative effects of reduced sex drive and sperm count were on the top of the list when making SARMs. The producers of SARMs wanted to design a supplement that gave all the great benefits of steroids...
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    While most anabolic steroids have a specific set of audience, just about anyone can take advantage of most SARMs available in the market, especially Ostalean. Beginners and even veteran users can use this product because of its benefits. Ostalean is a non-methylated compound, which means that...
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    Hgh and igf1?

    HGH is just for people who have a high level of disposable income. You also need to have the connections in the bodybuilding world in order to get legit HGH since getting one without a prescription is almost impossible. Those who cannot afford turn to black market vendors. However, purchasing...
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    Can LIGANDROL & ANDARINE be stacked together along with IGF-1 LR-3 ? dosage ? experience ?

    s4 is one of the most used and tested SARMs out there, but it seems to work its best when paired with another SARM for optimal efficiency. It can be paired easily with MK-2866 and LGD-4033, but this combination in higher doses can cause testosterone to be suppressed more than wanted.
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    Ostarine Dosage

    starine is designed to help users increase muscle gains. The muscle mass gained from its use is quite similar to when you’re using steroids. However, since this supplement is a SARM, it doesn’t carry adverse effects as compared to when you’re going to use anabolic steroids. As a result, you’re...
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    LIGANDROL & ANDARINE - would some kind soul point me to where these are available ?

    Andarine is one of the most used and tested SARMs out there, but it seems to work its best when paired with another SARM for optimal efficiency. It can be paired easily with MK-2866 and LGD-4033, but this combination in higher doses can cause testosterone to be suppressed more than wanted.