Search results

  1. caladin

    How should I shoot this?

    IP's Sustanon 280mg Will be takin in 560 - 600mg weekly! Should I shoot once a week or split it up! +++++++++++++ Here is the rest of the goods! DECA DURABOLIN (400mg /Week (Weeks 1-10) "200mg Day 2 and 4" Dbol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 1-4) Winstrol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 9-12) HCG (500IU...
  2. caladin

    Orgasms from around the world!
  3. caladin

    Handgun aficionados

    Glock 21 I have one and I love it!
  4. caladin !!!!!!!!!

    Went there today to retrieve my email and low and behold it says I dont have an account! anyone else having this porblem?
  5. caladin

    What does everyone do?

    Play computer games and umm play computer games and then play computer games.. oh ya and then hang with my wife.. Wish I could ride a Harley :(
  6. caladin

    Whats your hair style?

    smooth as a babys ass
  7. caladin

    Is there a lab or place I can send this too?

    /bump for info! would like to have this tested if you dont have to pay out the ass...
  8. caladin

    Is there a lab or place I can send this too?

    I got some stuff froma guy in the gym for free. didnt want it anymore and he says the Dbol he got a while ago. I asked him the dosage and he said he didnt now. he didnt use it either cause he didnt now dosage. Is there a lab or place I can send this too?
  9. caladin

    Cardio and your Cycle

    Explain eat clean please.. Seen it said before.. You mean low carbo and hight protien or no carbos after 5 or ? Also Why 250 EOD?
  10. caladin

    Cardio and your Cycle

    Who here still runs or does cardio (MArtial arts cardio counts) while on there bulk cycle? Seems to me that I will get stronger and will get bigger maybe just not as much as say if I didnt do it. I Say maybe 15 pounds of mucle with say 5 pounds of fat compared to 20 pounds of muclse with 10...
  11. caladin ALA store

    Bump for these guys!!! Excellant service quick turnaround!
  12. caladin

    evocash transfer fees

    This could give some of us a good fuckin! I just sent them money that was to be received on the 3rd or 4th! 04 Oct 2002 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM X-CHANGERS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: X-Changers is suspending the processing of all incoming checks and money orders. We realize this...
  13. caladin


    Uder bullshit Since the supposedly just got my check yesterday or today! +++++++++++ 04 Oct 2002 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM X-CHANGERS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: X-Changers is suspending the processing of all incoming checks and money orders. We realize this will be a...
  14. caladin

    Best workout CD

    Tool- lateralis
  15. caladin


    Anyone using this? anyone had any problems?
  16. caladin

    HCG? legal?

    Is this legal to have with out a perscription? Can u get it perscribed? Seems my source has dried up and Im lookin to score! Was thinking mexico but thats two hours away?
  17. caladin


    Bump! or PM me?
  18. caladin

    Panthotenic Acid (Vitamin B5)???

    Anyone takin this or this much for acne?
  19. caladin

    Panthotenic Acid (Vitamin B5)???

    Large doses of panthotenic acid have proven to reduce acne. Take 2500 mg four (4) times a day (last dose at bedtime) until acne is under control, and then 1500 mg three (3) times a day for maintenance. Can taking to much be bad? Can you take to much?