Search results

  1. caladin

    25G needle?

    Will draw with 20-22 gauge!
  2. caladin

    25G needle?

    Will this need size work with Sostenon and Deca? or do I need 23g?
  3. caladin

    my dog

    Here is one of my dogs 5 year old female Shep mix
  4. caladin

    Active Release???

    I have read about this in many fitness mgazines and from legitimate sources that it great? not sure since i havent tried
  5. caladin


    Who goes to a Chiropracter here? Pros and cons? I went to one for a while and always felt better afterwardds but my damn insurance doesnt cover it and at 35 a pop.. Had shoulder problems and coudnt incline bench.. went to Chiropracter and he fixed me... So for me + result.
  6. caladin

    Active Release???

    Anyone ever have this done to them? Did it help? pros and cons?
  7. caladin

    What kind of pet.....

    2.5 Cats! ERRR came with wife and 2 Kick ass Shep mixes! one of them looks like a wolf noshit.. it has silver fur mixxed in with black and brown... with a bluesish skin! and the female looks like a full blodded shep. she is mean as hell :) (She has killed 3 dogs that have enterd our yard at...
  8. caladin

    Had to be a post whore

    Whore this! Whore that!
  9. caladin


    Anyone ever watch or Read dune! Loved them both even though they are diffrent! the author was a frickin genius! My name come from that collection of scifi!
  10. caladin

    How Long Have You Been Married

    2 years last month
  11. caladin

    Who here watches pro wrestling?

    KANE is the MAN!!
  12. caladin

    Winstrol and joints?

    I have heard about this and Im finishing my cycle with winy! Im nervous cause I dont want joint pain.. any info? was going to take 50mg of IP winy ed for 4 weeks at end of cycle?
  13. caladin


    So what would be a cycle for cutting? first cutting cycle?
  14. caladin

    Only on ebay.

    I wonder how much to bite the front?
  15. caladin

    Post your favorite PRO PICS

    rory ledialmyer not sure of spelling.. anyone have pics of him.. great build
  16. caladin

    For those who need Motivation!!!

    46and2aheadofme do you have that pic in its origanal size? if so can u post it?
  17. caladin

    For those who need Motivation!!!

    #2 Damn He looks Fuckin Awsome!!! A Ripped chesT!!
  18. caladin

    For those who need Motivation!!!

    Post your motivational PIC!!
  19. caladin

    i need a good site for food and nutritional values

    Holy cow! A purchased that prgram 8 years ago from fitnesoft. Wonder if they will give me free upgrade.. hehe will have to dig through some software. great program
  20. caladin

    how much do you bro's spend per cycle?

    $300 for 10 week cycle sound close