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  1. caladin

    Jean Pierre Fux

    Can ya post a pic? what happend to him?
  2. caladin

    Why would you use Winstrol "oral" at...

    Why would one use Winstrol "oral" at the end of a cycle? Does this allow permant gains or hardens the look? I relize that I had put this at the end of the cycle and then was unsure why? thanks
  3. caladin

    I don't ask for much in a gym

    Please Leave the old reliable equipment in the weight room aka Dip rack as in atleast one Squat Rack as in more then one --- Please leave the new fangled shit out of the gym! --- Fix the damn Dumbbells and while your at it.. Get more! Have the Dumbbells go higher then 120lbs.. some of us...
  4. caladin

    How Many bro's taking ALA?

    I notice that People Take Silynarin (Milk thislte) also! how much do you take of that? Noticed sells it in 1000mg bin?
  5. caladin

    ALA ? Who sells it for a great price?

    ALA ? Who sells it for a great price?
  6. caladin

    eq pump

    What is the primary porpuse of EQ in a cycle and How owuld you stack it in that cycle? With what other gear?
  7. caladin

    How would you change this workout?

    I assusme the the front head was gettig enough stimualtion from these two exercise : Supine Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press But I did increase the Side laterals to 4 sets! Also as for the back I was thinkin of including "One Armed Eccentric Chin-ups" (6x2-4Reps) those...
  8. caladin

    How would you change this workout?

    Here is my workout! Would you add or take anything away if you where to utilise this? thanks! just lookin for some insight.. maybe round out the edges since I relize that we all respond diffently to workouts. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday & Thursday LOWER BACK “Monday Only” Dead lifts...
  9. caladin

    Arnold and Gear?

    I remeber when a couple of years ago Weider stated in MF that he is not aware of any steroid use in Bodybuiding... hahah Who the hell is he kiddin!
  10. caladin

    eq pump

    Equipoise? is this EQ? How much ya take?
  11. caladin

    Arnold and Gear?

    I sure he did Juice... HAve we had all those other types of assistance drugs that we have now..
  12. caladin

    Arnold and Gear?

    Anyone now what Gear Arnold S. took? They didnt use GH back then did they? and Did they use Anti E's back then? did they use Insulin or Clen? Was watching Ed Corney and Arnold Doing some squats on Pumping Iron and Damn Im Still pumped Up.. I think that the BB of the 70's Looked Fuckin...
  13. caladin

    mailboxkillrs toys

    Glock 21 Remington 870 Magnum
  14. caladin

    How many of you have ink
  15. caladin

    What do you drive

    Ford F250 Superduty Diesal * HD FAtboy 2003 (Soon)
  16. caladin

    Here is my supplememntal? look good?

    So what about that EPO>?
  17. caladin

    Here is my supplememntal? look good?

    Sustanon 250 (500mg /Week (Weeks 1-10) DECA DURABOLIN (400mg /Week (Weeks 1-10) Dbol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 1-4) Winstrol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 9-12) HCG (500IU /ED (Week 5-6,9-10) Clomid
  18. caladin

    Here is my supplememntal? look good?

    Milk thistle (Silymarin) 200mg 2/day Evening Primrose Oil 10-15 Grams /day Artichoke Leaf 500mg extract a day Vitamin E 400 IU 2x Day Vitamin C 1000mg 3x Day ALA 200 MG day 3x Day ++++ Also What does the EPO do for me.. Read it was good during cycle but not sure why? Dosages look...
  19. caladin

    D-bol question?

    Winstrol 50mg oral? Winstrol 50mg Oral Would that be the same?
  20. caladin

    D-bol question?

    If I take 50mg a day for 4 weeks, do I take 50mg at once and split it in equal doeses every xx hours? thanks