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  1. S


    jeezz everybody wanna be whoes these days ;)
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    Started slin today!

    post results cuz i'm very interested in doing some with GH my next time around.
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    Sub Q shots do they hurt

    slin needles-- grab alittle fat from the bottom of abs, and stick it in. do it slowly and u shouldnt feel a damm thing.
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    just abs from recent photo shoot 1 week out

    wow ur ripped -- it really shows ur hard work and dedication my best of luck for u at ur next comp. My question is u need to help a bro out with ur diet and what not so i can get abs like that. R u taking any clen? Also r u doing cardio right when u wake up?
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    site injection

    And no deca should be shot in the glutes or legs. Deca is a long half life and it of course wouldnt hurt if u did site injections but IMHO do ur shot in glute or side of the quad. ~SG
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    Hey board, New cycle coming up and wanted to run it by for some critiquing

    imo throw out the dbols for ur last phase. i would go with 75mg of fina ED with 100mg of prop ED. now with that, i say throw in the winstol with 50mg ED because with ur last phase of a heavy cycle that one is the best. with the fina and winny that'll keep ur gains and drop any other BF. also...
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    How much Clomid for 2-weeker's?

    i would go with clomid after ur 2 wk cycle.....imo 1st day 200mg next 10 days 100mg u should be good to go for ur next cycle. for me thats what i would do just becuase i ALWAYS use my clomid and hcg post and so there my body can go back to its normal hormonal balance and back to homeostasis...
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    Hi all been away for a while - neep help

    wow shit sucks!! thanks B for that, I was thinking about doing that. Any other methods?
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    Hi all been away for a while - neep help

    thanks guys, very good info. bump
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    Hi all been away for a while - neep help

    Thanks harvey, bumpy bump for more info
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    Hi all been away for a while - neep help

    I just wanted to say hi to everybody first and glad that this board is doing so well. I have a few questions any help would be greatly appriciated. I posted these questions on a few other boards and I just want all the advice I can get. So here it is... Well I started my deca cycle NOV -20...
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    Test Question

    thanks buddy exactly what i was wondering, grazie
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    Test Question

    I'm doing cyp for 12 wks straight with my cycle E3D 800mg. Today is my shot date, but i ran out 3 days ago. My cyp should be here any day now, but my question is this.....I have test sust, and enth for my future cycles but i can always get more. Should I subsituite a shot of sust or enth until...
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    New Guy

    thanks thanks guys...;)
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    SHIT, new and already not following directions.......GOT ME BUMPO
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    New Guy

    sup MC, heard many great things about this board from my home anabolic paradise. Hope i can help out and also learn and make this my second home. Seen many regular faces from AP so this board has to be awesome lol. thanks hope i'm welcomed.