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  1. C

    An Early Christmas Present

    yes that would look nice under the tree....or somewhere in my house anyway LOL :p
  2. C

    different types of sex ....

    thoes ones are good....
  3. C

    Tito rocks

    ya bro i would watch hockey over anything else Avalanche fan here......
  4. C

    Mods....why am i a newbe???????

    oh wont bother me then.....i only post when i need i wont get to the top by being a post whore.....i have the knowledge and thats all that matters to me...i read alot but dont post alot of bullshit like some other guys....
  5. C

    Mods....why am i a newbe???????

    just wondering what was up with the title.....i have been on this board for a year or so and on others before that.....whats the deal anyway....
  6. C

    MC Clothing Poll

    hats and t's would be great ...damn everytime i try to get something there sold out :confused:
  7. C

    upcoming cycle

    hey macGyver.....i have never used sust before so i thought i would give it a try.....i have used cyp and liked it but thought i might go with the sust and see what type of gains i might yield from it.....what dont u like about the sust??.....have u used it before and what brings you to not like...
  8. C

    upcoming cycle

    just thought i would post my upcoming cycle and see what everyone thought....this is what it looks like so far.. weeks 1-10 500mg sust week weeks 1-10 400mg EQ week weeks 7-12 50 mg winny day clomid at end and also have nolv on hand.. i have done 2 cycles and have been clean since feb.or...
  9. C

    thought i would say hi ......

    hey everyone.....just checking in.....i havent been on in a long time and finally im it seems like months have gone by since i have been on...see lots of new names and some old too. Im trying to get back into the swing of things and finding time to get to the gym and on the...
  10. C

    when to use winny?

    well bro im running a cycle right now of 600mg week test and 400mg week eq.....i just started my winny at 50 mg currently just starting into my 7th running mine weeks 7-12 and clomid the day after my last winny...hope this helps u a little....i asked around when i was...
  11. C

    Injection site now swolen

    my buddie went to the doctors and they told him it was just a reaction he had to the primo...they said there was no infection or i guess hes just shit out of luck....
  12. C

    Injection site now swolen

    Hey guys whats trying to help a friend of mine with a problem that he has....he got some Designer Labs primo and took 1cc injection in the Glutes and about 4 hours later had some serious pain...worse that ttokkyo it is noticably swolen and u think it is...
  13. C

    Computer security / Email protection

    good info geared......damn computers LOL....makes you think a little..... <!--emo&/?--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='/?'><!--endemo-->
  14. C

    Heating to lower BA content

    Im interested to know also.......Bump..
  15. C

    Fina kit question

    Thanks for the info gear....also i have read some different oppinions on the fina..if im a first time user of fina should i go with 50mg/ ED....or going to research a lot more before i get into this but any info from anyone that has knowledge of this stuff would be great....i have done...
  16. C

    Fina kit question

    just wondering if someone could tell me in the finakits....what mg/ ml is the end product???   and if anyone has used it yet how do they like it....i have never used fina but am starting to check into it a little so i would like to hear some oppinions ..           thanks  chewiniron