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  1. delcapone

    8 days out Lehigh Valley

    Good job Bro, I was there, but didnt see this post till today, was very impreessed with the teenage division, a few future beasts in that lineup! Congradulations
  2. delcapone

    Dan Duchaine - The Steroid Guru Interview QUESTION: IGF-1 Clen, Deca, HGH and More...

    before the internet Dan was our ONLY resource we had to educate ourselves back in the early 80s. I would order his "steroid underground hand books" from the back of muscle Mags. I would read it over and over again.
  3. delcapone

    Need recipe for Tren Ethanate

    tren-e 40ml@ 250mg/ml powder =10gr- BB=6ml=BA=1.2ml= 50/50/GSO/EO (you can use any oil you like) Tren-E 200mgs/50mls = powder 10gr.= BB-7.5 = BA-1.5ml = oil32.5mls
  4. delcapone

    Best Carrier Oil To Use ? Thinnest ?

    just made test-e 300 using 50/50 E.O./G.S.O BB20% B.A. 2% no P.I.P. at all
  5. delcapone

    Liquid dbol gone lumpy

    did that last wknd. 1st batch made with 151- clear when heated, let sit and it crystallized. 2nd batch 10ml 151 alc. 9ml peg.300 better shake and take. 3rd batch-9ml 151 alc. 10ml glyseryn, ahhh hit the sweet spot!
  6. delcapone

    Making sure I get this right - Dbol oral solution

    I have 20ml@ 50mgs/ml 1gr. Powder 19ml 190 proof grain or whatever u wanna use
  7. delcapone

    Test Suspension Conversion

    Test base = 10gr. E.O. = 59.5 ,ml Bb. = 20ml BA. = 3ml Guaiacol = 10ml 100mgs/100mgs. ml Ive made this no p.i.p. I also have tasty tne/dbol recipe. Why pay 60$ a bottle when you can brew your own for 7
  8. delcapone

    Mass vs. Symetry

    I was looking at Mr.O pics, from Larry Scott to Phil Heath . After Lee Haney ,Dorian ushered in the mass monsters, ,there isng a pro bodybuilder today that could xo a vacuum pose like Frank Zane, you see alot of dissended guts from g.h. use. Phil Heath has good symetry but not like the 80"s...