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  1. T

    Best/Strong points of body?

    Shoulders..Chest...lower back.... Legs are vascular....could always be better
  2. T

    Time of day to lift

    I try to do cardio in the Am, and lift at night. Its tough, but I still get it done. Nothing better in the morning, walking out of the gym down for the day.
  3. T

    tired workouts

    thats a good idea too man..i have thought about it, but all these gym's in the city are sooo trendy..i miss Gold's(Bev Francis).. ohh the glory days..i like hardcore gyms, even though my gym now is filled with cardio bunnies, and lil puny college kids. So i do get the shock value..
  4. T

    tired workouts

    i wish, but i catch a 7:00 am train....its worked well for me though going at 7pm at night, just long day and stress take a toll...
  5. T

    tired workouts

    thats true too, but when u have worked a 10 hour day, then u get to the gym and can't bench the usual 140's, it can get prett depressing..
  6. T

    tired workouts

    yea.. a little caffiene doesn;t hurt. I don;t drink coffee ever, so 100 mg a day , will not kill me...
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    tired workouts

    I hear that..but the money is green..i am only 25 as well..
  8. T

    tired workouts

    true but when u leaver your house at 6:30, and get home at 7:30 pm, kinda tough
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    tired workouts

    good point...i feel like a million bucks after popping one..hit the gym...feels great..i just hope by taking them, i don;t burn the shit out of my receptors as well...
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    tired workouts

    doesn;t caffiene hurt muscle gains?? any thoughts?
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    tired workouts

    Hey guys, I dunno about you guys, but I get home from work, and the train and i am so tired. When I do get hoem i pop a fat burner pill to give me a lil energy. It feels great, but how much am i windering my gains. Also what else could i take to give me a boost?
  12. T

    Amino Acids(BCAA's)

    Yea, esp also if i am doing cardio. take them before i go do 40 minutes or somethign
  13. T

    Amino Acids(BCAA's)

    Hey guys, I just picked up some BCAA's. How effective are these you think. Considering I do Am Cardio, and Pm lifting. You think I need Glutamien also. Just want to hear some of your reactions.
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    Golds Classic In Howell New Jersey October 30th saturday

    Does anyone have any info as far as show for 2005 in NY?
  15. T


    I took it had good sex, later that night...i wasn;t so lucky..
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    Great stuff, i liked it..shut me down hard though..
  17. T

    Winny/Eq sex drive

    so, try to start the proviron as soon as possible??? gotcha
  18. T

    Winny/Eq sex drive

    Wow, well i just started the EQ this week, i think its more in my head...i tried soem cialis last night and felt good....keep me updated on how u feel...i can have sex, its just takes me a while to relax
  19. T

    Winny/Eq sex drive

    yea, not a bad idea.. i started taking some saw pamletto, and maca, do u think it can help??
  20. T

    Winny/Eq sex drive

    i think its solute....i want to have sex, but i like" get all worked up" and have to relax in order to get hard, not like i used too....its tough, i might get some cialis til my cycle ends...then it will hopefulyl return... another thing is i spend every second with my gf, and every night we...