Search results

  1. L

    Clenbuterol--can I slim down?

    Thanks so much for all yall's help.  Okay I've got a few more questions regarding the off weeks that seem to be highly recommended.  T-3...take it on off weeks?  What exactly is it and what kind of dosage?  Ketatifen...I'm obviously new to all of this so I don't know about dosage, possible side...
  2. L

    Unsupportive spouse

    I'm new on this site, but what the ####, I'll jump right in.  First let me say I'm sorry to hear you're not getting the support you need.  My husband started hitting the gym pretty hard about 1 1/2 years ago.  He went it alone for the first 15 months, and I would find myself getting irritated...
  3. L

    Clenbuterol--can I slim down?

    I'm looking to start taking Clenbuterol for fat burning. I need a little help with dosage instructions. Also, I'm still open for any other recommendations for a good fat burner. I'm not worried about bouncing off the walls or that nervous feeling some others worry about. I'm willing to do what I...