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    Vpx redline

    should I cycle this after im done to give my body a rest and let it regain its sensitivity and if so how long?
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    Vpx redline

    A question for you pros out there..... I just bought a new thermogen call VPX Redline. Any 1 tried this or know anything about it. I dont know anyone whos taken it, but I do hear it works differently from most therms because it makes you shiver or something???? Any bad effects from this...
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    Biggest Fear about Gear?

    My biggest fear would have to be my pinga getting smaller or not being able 2 work any-longer lol
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    Need LOTS OF HELP with Winstrol

    This is an awesome site thanks for all the help its greatly appreciated.
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    Need LOTS OF HELP with Winstrol

    Thanks for the advice I dont think Ill be making my ass a pin cushion yet, but just in case any side-effects associated with anavar?
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    best Syringes to use

    Where do you guys get your Syringes?? This is probably a stupid question but can you just go to the store and buy them? If so which one:o :confused:
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    What keeps you motivated?

    I used to train for a while and drop it after i lost motivation, and pick it up a few months later......... but once I did my first race it totally changed me. Now sometimes while training I ask myself why should I push that extra mile???? Why should I work-out today??? Then I think of my...
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    Need LOTS OF HELP with Winstrol

    Thanks for the advice, I thought it would work for me supposably my buddy who's 20 took it and lost 20lbs in one cycle.... He also said there was no acne either, i guess thats all bs. LoL I cant afford my joints to dry up, that would be bad. So I guess I wont be taking any winstrol. I am...
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    Need LOTS OF HELP with Winstrol

    Hi you doing everyone? I do Triathlons and was hoping to get a little thinner in order to improve my time. I am 19 years old, 6ft tall and weigh 190 lbs (Still got a little fat around my stomach). Anyways a friend of mine suggested I take Winstrol. I have no idea what it does and what the...