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  1. J

    wanna try it out

    Will read on about this THANKS .
  2. J

    New to the site

    Hardy harr harr !! You can thank our wonderful government for our that one .
  3. J

    wanna try it out

    Are there any good sites to read for info on this topic you would recommend ? I have used anabolics in the past . I am 5.9 230lbs and on the way down ( old age settin in ) LOL . I was 250 lbs at my peek but being dismounted infantry 250 is ALOT to carry around with all my gear . The reason I am...
  4. J

    New to the site

    I am in the military up here in Canada . ( Infantry ) 3rd Royal Canadian Regiment .
  5. J

    wanna try it out

    Is that all I need ? One kit ? What about insulin with that ? What kinda gain accompany HGH use ? Is it better than the roids ? Thanks.
  6. J

    wanna try it out

    I would like to do a cycle of GH . What will it set me back ? And how do I administer it properly ? Jonno
  7. J

    New to the site

    Hey everyone , just a shout out to introduce myself . I was looking for a site and community that is well informed about all aspects of the world we call the gym . I hope I found the right place !!!! OH .... and just a small point , I work for '' THE MAN '' so if you send me any emails to the...