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  1. M

    A+ service from MCAS store

    Good Service Not to give Presser a bigger head, but I been doing business with MC for 6 yrs and the service n products have always been good.
  2. M

    Supplements for Older Athletes

    I get good results with Maca Root for energy, and good hormone balance. Only side effect that is not positive is the cost for good Maca Root.
  3. M

    Biceps - shooting pain in forearms

    Bicept work I also have that problem, and the older I get the worse the pain is. I beleive its the tendons. Perhaps some tendinitis. The easy curl bar is a bit easier on them, then straight bar.
  4. M

    Pros and igf

    Hey, as for head bugging over what U looked liked before an accident and now after, I can really relate to that. I was a BB doing well when I had been hit by car head on while on my Harley. I was in pieces and here by Gods grace, but Im certainly not in condition I once was. Ever since, Its been...
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    Anadrol & Libido

    Thanks for your feed back. Anyone else have experience with Anadrol, that can comment? I appreciate it.
  6. M

    Anadrol & Libido

    What effect does Anadrol have on Libido???
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    I did a cycle of Nolva and IGF and noticed an increase in my testosterone with leaner, and harder muscles. As always, I get my products from MC. Has anyone else noticed this?
  8. M

    Pressera Photo Journal weeks 1-7

    Pics Good job! The pics look good...
  9. M

    Pressera Photo Journal weeks 1-7

    Pics Good job! The pics look good...
  10. M

    MC IGF Experience

    IGF Congrats on the cycle! I have also experienced positive effects with IGF. Keep up the good work!
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    IGF_1 -looking 4

    I used 40 mcgs a day my first time, and got some results, but the last time i took it, I took 60 mcgs a day, and my old shoulder injury is completely healed, and I started to notice a little improvement in some other old injuries. I gained some lean muscle too. MC has the IGF1 that ROCKS!!!!
  12. M

    What's the best suppliment on the market??

    I cant narrow it down to just one. I believe the Animal Pak's, and the Whey Protien are both very important. I take both each and everyday..
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    I load up on milk, (4-5 gals a week), and take 3 grams of calcium a day in supplements, along with eating lots of yogurt, and all natural ice cream.
  14. M

    weighed in at 224

    Thumbs Up! Your hard work shows!
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    What kind of food do you eat out side of school? What supplements are you taking? How old are you?
  16. M

    IGF-1 worth the money

    Igf1 from MC, is the real deal!!!!
  17. M

    IGF-1 worth the money

    Igf1 from MC, is the real deal!!!!