Search results

  1. malloryb

    grapefruit extract vs. grapefruit juice???

    will the grapefruit extract work exactly the same as drinking grapefruit juice. i am wanting to add this in with my eca stack and not sure which option to go with. i need opinions, thanks guys!!
  2. malloryb

    160lbs to 260lbs

    damn dude, nice work
  3. malloryb

    potassium to counteract muscle cramps. help!

    oh and my multi vitamin is AST Multi Pro 32X, which gives me plenty of what I need, except the potassium, obviously.
  4. malloryb

    potassium to counteract muscle cramps. help!

    hey guys, it is deffinetly not water...usually get around 2 gallons a day. i tried eating bananas and that was not helping, please my diet would be off if i was eating 5 or more bananas a day. i get plenty of dairy each day, so i would be real surprised if it was calcium. swolja....i...
  5. malloryb

    potassium to counteract muscle cramps. help!

    i have been getting killer muscle cramps from clen lately and i finally got a bottle of potassium today. each pill has 99mg. what quantity do i need to be getting in each day to get rid of the cramps??? is this something that i need to experiment with because everyone reacts differently...
  6. malloryb

    ephedrine hcl vs. ephedrine? please help!

    excellent...well that confirms it, i will be making an order next month for sure....i have a ton of clen sitting around, wish i didn't have so much of the damn stuff, oh well......... maybe i will cycle between the two until i get rid of the clen appreciate all the help bro...i mean it!
  7. malloryb

    ephedrine hcl vs. ephedrine? please help!

    exactly my man...and anyone that has any experience powerlifting can understand what it's like. thanks for the info the e.hcl....did not know any of stuff... while i have you here, can e.hcl be combined with clen?
  8. malloryb

    ephedrine hcl vs. ephedrine? please help!

    thanks fonz for the info.... yeah press, i meant skeptical, was not able to type last night apparently..... okay so the FDA banned ephedrine alkaloids? so can someone tell me why they did not ban the hydrochloride version that everyone uses now? especially if it really is the real thing...
  9. malloryb

    ephedrine hcl vs. ephedrine? please help!

    does ephedrine hcl really yield the same results as plain old ephedrine. i am sketible and need someone to shine so truth on this matter. another question too while i am at it...what are the differences (if any) between ephedrine hcl and pseudoephedrine hcl (decongestant tabs)??? thanks...
  10. malloryb

    anyone hear the jay-z mix biter not a writer

    well haven't heard it, but i do know he doesn't write any of his songs, which means some homo song writer is taking lines from other hip hop artists...why jay-z, who is a hip-hop icon, actually uses the lyrics that he does is beyond me.
  11. malloryb

    asthmatics and clen

    thanks bro, really appreciate the help
  12. malloryb

    asthmatics and clen

    my wife has asthma and i was wondering if she were to take clen would have the same effect on her as it would on a non-asthmatic.... she is currently on singulair and zyrtec for her asthma and allergies. i basically want to make sure she wouldn't have a bad reaction to the clen. thanks so much!
  13. malloryb


    BearShare is the best i've found
  14. malloryb

    Is the MC store open?

    ok i will keep checking, can't wait to order up some liqua-fem baby
  15. malloryb

    Is the MC store open?

    i'm wanting to place an order at the MC store and the links are not working. is it down for everyone else too? man this sucks!
  16. malloryb

    Oxidation hurts Muscle. . .

    thanks for the great info, i will surely keep this in mind. to date all i have done to fight free radicals is drink green tea, and i do know that it does not do a heck of a whole lot as an antioxidant
  17. malloryb

    End of cycle (sort of) pics..

    nice work, ur huge bro!
  18. malloryb

    Quest for the BEST cutting agent

    da fonz is right on the money
  19. malloryb

    Quest for the BEST cutting agent

    you might get some great results with a search on it, Presser wrote a really great review on it, the thread is titled: Articles On Methyl-1-Testosterone, Methyl-Dien & M1,4 add good luck bro
  20. malloryb

    drinking Water?

    2 gallons/day, it's to the point where if i go even 45 minutes without drinking any water i start to feel's all mental of course, but still