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    QV Stan 10

    What's up guys? Has anyone used the QV 10mg Winny tabs? I just bought a bottle of 100 but I've never tried the QV brand Winstrol.
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    T 400

    Hey guys, Does anyone know how to indentify a fake bottle of T-400? I just purchased one and it did not have a hologram on the bottle, only the box. The lot # is tt004 exp. July 2006. It has rounded edges on the label. I have seen two different bottles and would really appreciate it if anyone...
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    Morning Catabolism

    Hey guys, Last time I posted I acidentally used the womens forum, sorry. I was wondering if anyone knows what the time frame is after I wake up that I should consume protein in order to avoid catabolism. I am bulking, currently taking 1 gram of test enanthate per week. Thanks
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    Test only cycle

    I'm bulking, I'm 5'10" 215, body fat percentage, I'm not sure size 34 waist. I want to eventually bulk up enough so I can diet down to a lean 200lbs.
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    Test only cycle

    thanks, I'm happy with it so far. I was just wondering if anyone had any recomendations to stack. I'm using Primoteston 250.
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    Test only cycle

    What do you guys think of a test enanthate only cycle?