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  1. J

    No more Tuna!

    all this hate on tuna, does anyone here have tuna sushi? or at a nice restaurant have a 6oz seared ahi tuna steak? I will agree that the canned tuna gets a little old Steve
  2. J

    igf and long work days?

    thanks for the answers, Steve
  3. J

    igf and long work days?

    I'm ready to make a purchase of igf for the first time. I'm 26 and a HD mechanic that works in the oilsands mining industry. my work schedule is 6 days on 6 days off 12 hour days. i get 3 breaks during the day so i get to eat 5 times a day. i've read quite a bit on here and people talk about how...
  4. J

    need advice on first cycle

    we get lots of cardio we are in the army, three times a week a 6-8km run and a rucksack march every week plus lots of other stuff. he plans on doing it and i was just trying to help anyway i could
  5. J

    need advice on first cycle

    here are some pics of him, mind you he doesn't know how to pose
  6. J

    need advice on first cycle

    question for my buddy. hes just aquirred a 10ml bottle of "nandroline decanoate" tis is going to be his first use of anything and wants to know just how much to take? the bottle says theres 300mg per ml. is there anything that would need to be taken with it? got a couple of bottles of noveldex...
  7. J

    Marine petetion please read and sign!

    #347851 with full support