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    UFC 74 Respect, tonight!

    what time is the fight and what channel?
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    IGF post workout

    sounds good bro, i also use post work out and yield good results.
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    liquid antis

    i can and will say that liquids do work...for the first time after using gear for approx. 20yrs, i caught my first case of gyno really bad my nips were really big and very sensitive... i bought some nova and fem from MC and damn i was so relieved the gyno cleared up! THANKS MC.... :thumbsup:
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    MC IGF

    yes im using auqa-fem from MC its good stuff!
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    question MC brothers?

    the soft tissue under my tongue was scortched (as if i got burned) i had to keep ice under my tongue to sooth the burning sensation....
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    MC IGF

    no it doesnt hurt and i use bact water
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    MC IGF

    i just got my igf a couple of days ago and let me tell you MC service is great i will be ordering again from them! (very reliable) im taking 40mcg a day 20 in the morning and 20 before my workout and slin right after my workout(i was taking 10iu of slin) now because the igf i droped down to 4iu...
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    question MC brothers?

    what ever you guys do dont put it uder your tongue, i found this out the hard way! ouch
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    question MC brothers?

    damn you guys aint kidding that aqua burn is wicked wow i was sweating up a storm at the gym today but now my damn hands wont stop
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    question MC brothers?

    i just got me some aqua burn, aqua dex, aqua fem and of coarse IGF :) my question is using the droppers that come with the liquids how many drops do i need to count to get 2.5mg of fem and 40mg of aqua dex also 200mcgs of aqua burn? thanks