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  1. N

    *naughty grin* Brave People Only!

    i got two wrong
  2. N

    UFC Finale Tonight

    bonner won i cant belive they gave it to forest it was close but bonner won it and i think shamrock threw that fight iv seen alote of his fights this one was real bad. and check out every one thinks bonner won it
  3. N

    Tell us how you found MC

    doing a search trying to remember the name of the fitness board i use to go to .funny cuz it was the fitness board. lol
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    shoulder pain

    thanks for the info guys. damn this sucks it was a good shoulder work out any way.
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    shoulder pain

    ok iv been lifting for about a month now. a week and half ago i did shoulders and i got some pain right on top and in side. when i push on the bone it hurts and if i reach behind my back it hurts real bad i havent been able to lift i just started i dont want to quit now. any one have an ideal...
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    The Ulitimate Fighter

    yeah chris leban is cool dont think he's going to win it but he's fun to watch and it will be replayed saterday at 12 am
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    The Ulitimate Fighter

    yeah the show kicks ass and the guy i liked lost but he's back it's funny and some grapplers kick ass when they get you down look at last monday's show
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    cant find

    hey ok well i still cant find it under aqua-burn mybe there out of it or i could just be crazy some one let me no. thanks and iv pm'ed a few of you guys about it
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    cant find

    thank you
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    cant find

    hey is there a reason i cant find aqua-clen at mc sup
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    i just dont get it

    well thanks. i dont want the easy way. i just want the best way. i dont want to take roids now if there not going to help i just wanted to know why you shouldent take them till you have workedout for 2 years and what biggerstronger said is what i needed to no. thanks
  12. N

    i just dont get it

    i think i forgot to mention i dont lift at a gym. im going to start soon but right now i workout at my house with just a bench and a curling bar. i dont even have dumbbells yet. i just started last week. i was geting made at my self for lack of stranth i am a big guy cuz i have a big bone struck...
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    i just dont get it

    ok. thanks that makes sence about the muscle growing faster then the joins and tendons. i do understand that my training and diet need alote of work but im tring thanks again
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    i just dont get it

    ok thanks well i just started last monday i do four sets 10-12 reps flat 4 sets 10-12 reps incline 4 sets curl 12-16 rep 4 sets skull cruchers 10-12 reps 4 sets pull overs if thats what there called i do all that one day then legs the next just squats 4 sets 10 to 20 reps i had knee surg and my...
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    i just dont get it

    ok guys i no im new here but i dont understand why your not suppose to take roids untill youv been lifting awile. iv been reading on here and i cant seam to find the answer im looking for. what will takeing them do if you just started lifting any thing or nothing i want something to make me...
  16. N


    Im new here but im all about the ufc and pride im going with chuck he kicks ass and his team is kicking ass
  17. N

    does your food intake aply to me

    hello. Im new to the bord so ill start by telling you alittle about my self. im 29 6.1 235lb i havent worked out in as lest a year been doing nothing but partying and iv deicided to stop and get my ass in shape befor i went off asking Q's i looked things up and found this site to be very help...