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  1. M

    Fat loss: hIGF-1hLR3IGF-1 versus hGH

    no prob bro. :) i think what's missing is that igf-1 is a completely different drug from lr3igf-1(what you call igf1-3). you aren't using igf-1. you're using the long arg(3) flavor of it which has been chemically modified with a special group attached to a special spot. lr3igf-1 has been...
  2. M

    Fat loss: hIGF-1hLR3IGF-1 versus hGH

    regular rIGF-I -- not the lr3 variant -- runs $210.00/100 mcg at retail. daily replacement dose for laron's dwarfism patients: 100mcg/kg/day. let's assume you weigh 100 kg. you're spending $21,000/day for a replacement dose...
  3. M

    IGF Explained (good read!)

    i don't know of any comprehensive discussions of it that i would consider authoritative. the pgf2a one is an excellent document and can be considered more-or-less accurate. :) i'm still really worried about the possibility of depleting your pool of stem cells. i'll do some reading about that...
  4. M


    hell yeah, but you can probably find a cheaper way to do that with similar results. :D
  5. M


    nah, the antibody just won't really work well at all. it's certainly not going to be permanent. if it's keyed to myostatin -- as the name obviously implies -- it won't do anything to curtail myostatin production, but instead attempts to destroy it quickly once it's produced. pharmacological...
  6. M

    Pre-Loading IGF

    i don't think that's necessarily safe with igf-i because the water from the b12 has a decent chance of breaking down the igf-i. it's relatively unstable in non-acidic water-based solutions. you've got a better shot with the BA-suspended shit than the AA shit because the BA mixes poorly with...
  7. M


    diseases in which myostatin production is messed up are commonly referred to as muscular dystrophies. from here you don't appear severely ill and/or dead, so no, i don't think you have major defects in your myostatin production. i think ton's first post was excellent. i'd like to re-emphasize...
  8. M

    igf-1 usage and changes in facial features

    have you lost bodyfat during that time? that could be a contributing factor. also, six years is a long time -- will probably lead to natural changes anyway...
  9. M


    read my post on interleukin-15 much further down for a full description of it. il-2 would be similar but even worse. i have no idea what a myostatin antibody would do at this point, but these tend to be extremely blunt tools. remember that antibodies in general work by marking individual...
  10. M

    IGF Explained (good read!)

    no problem at all, thanks for the contribution. :D i just want to make sure the right information gets out there.
  11. M

    IGF Explained (good read!)

    i've already debunked this particular post. it's loaded with bad science and unfortunately widely circulated. it was posted less than a month ago. some of the info is still valuable but make sure you don't take everything for gospel.
  12. M

    i was wrong re:mgf

    your 9 iu/day gh dose is probably relatively extremely small to your igf-i dose. for anabolism that's really pretty small and it needs to be stacked with slin for good results. lr3igf-i is considerably more effective on paper than gh, by the way. i was referring to real-world results reported...
  13. M

    i was wrong re:mgf

    awright, i've done a ton more reading. apparently despite the very close similarity in structure and production, the inserted sequence makes mgf a separate growth factor with separate effects, rather than a more potent version of igf-iea, but it is reliant on the same igf-i receptor(igf-ir...
  14. M

    igf-1 usage and changes in facial features

    noticed nothing myself. igf-i is likely to be less troublesome in this regard than GH because gh will lead to autocrine production of extremely large quantities of igf-i relative to the amount you're using systemically. in other words, gh means much more igf-i in bone and cartilage than...
  15. M

    i was wrong re:mgf

    even more interesting, administration of IGF-I or GH+IGF-I directly to these cells results in a virtual cessation of MGF production:
  16. M

    Information on Interleukin-15

    please understand that a bunch of abstracts tossed in a pile does nobody any more service than a link to pubmed with IL-15 as a search string. autoimmune diseases are some of the most crippling known. i wouldn't call the drug remotely safe, given that we haven't heard of anyone acquiring...
  17. M

    i was wrong re:mgf

    was i wrong re:mgf? mgf is produced through a genetic splice of the igf-i gene, not by splicing igf-i itself enzymatically. this is certainly why gh is so effective at building muscle mass. mgf is not a systemically circulating hormone but is instead locally(autocrine/paracrine) expressed...
  18. M

    yes, another drink winny question

    intramuscular winny uptake ~90%, oral ~85%. liver must process the substance to remove it in either case but must process it twice with oral absorption.
  19. M

    MC Femera AKA Genesis

    1ml/day is a pretty high dosage. you can probably get away with much less, but you'll see continued suppression of estrogen levels all the way up to 30mg/day. i use 0.2ml/day, or 0.5mg. pick...
  20. M

    oil based PGF2a

    ... the idea is to limit systemic uptake with slower release because systemic uptake = explosive shits and the rest of it immediately metabolized by your lungs. YOU TAKE PGF2A IN ORDER TO CAUSE LOCAL MUSCLE GROWTH & INFLAMMATION. that is the entire goal. :rolleyes...