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  1. S

    CLA + Sesamin

    Hey guys, ive been told that if you take CLA by itself, it can lead to insulin resistance and to stop this, its a good idea to supplement the CLA with Sesamin. Is this true?
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    Food before bed...

    I normally enjoy having an assload of 1% cottage cheese with whole wheat crackers... last night i added about 1oz of Almonds to the meal and i slept like a fucking baby... are the almonds ok to eat? Is this an ok meal about... an hour before bed?
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    new game

    got syphilis and
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    Green bulge white blood

    Ive been thinking of stacking Green Bulge with White blood... right now im completely natural... the only supps i take are whey protein and vitamins... just wondering if i should get involved with the whole otc supplement train like so many people are already part of. :fyi:
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    Natural Vitamin E vs. Vitamin E Complex

    What is the difference here? Ive been told that its better to take the Complex. Keep in mind the comlplex is natural as well
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    Good protein shake mix-in ideas?

    all i do is put 1 and a half scoops in (30 grams of protein) along with a decent amount of water and eat a banana with it... correct me if this is a real bad idea
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    new game

    and chuck norris
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    new game

    its anus exploded
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    new game

    rolled back in
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    Word Game...

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    I need a name for my new pit

    how about Natty... lol dont know why but i can see that being a pet name
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    Word Game...

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    Jessica Alba...

    :D sorry guys...l had to do it because it made me nearly shit my pants when one of my friends linked me to it :finger:
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    Jessica Alba...

    holy shit.
  15. S

    Fish Oil

    How often should I supplement Fish oil daily... they are 180/120 per capsule... I normally take only 1 a day with my breakfast but im guessing i should be taking a lot more than this... thanks guys
  16. S

    Interesting Read on Aspartame and similar products Very interesting read guys... for all of you people who rely on diet soda for the 0 calories... think again... :crap: explains the toxicity of apartame and also some more very important things everyone should someday know about...
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    Word Game...
