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  1. G

    why dont more places carry aromasin?

    love the shit!!! it is expensive & can be pretty hard to get at times...
  2. G

    CHRIS 250 Spread Pics

    aint it so great to be LEAN!!! congrats looked awesome!
  3. G

    Crystalized test?

    - stick a pin in the top of the vial - add water to a pan & fill to about half way up the vial - heat on medium heat for 10-20minutes you should be good to go!!! :)
  4. G

    Ava Cowan Tanning !!!

    yes, that was pretty retarded...unless i was the one doing the tanning :coollook:
  5. G

    tiger woods was just watching the news & thinking the same thing...i know the guy screwed up but i kinda feel sorry for the guy with his business all over the place...
  6. G

    Manny Pacquiao and AAS ?

    whatever!!! who cares if he is using???
  7. G

    2009 NPC Eastern USA's Bikini Judging

    i'll tell you exactly what it is...the promoters of the show are out there telling any & all girls the see that they should compete whether they should or not...they are only looking for the $$$ in the end...they dont care what the girls look like... in my honest opinion, the bikini division is...
  8. G

    thanx bro =)

    thanx bro =)
  9. G

    anyone hear from giantkillr ?

    jumped off a was a stupid injury!!!
  10. G

    anyone hear from giantkillr ?

    sorry fellas, i was out for a bit last week due to breaking my leg & tearing my ACL!!! have surgery scheduled for Nov.3 so i am sure i will be out a couple of days or so then... i am pretty sure things are taken care of but if not, shoot me a pm...
  11. G

    Trey Brewer ? NATIONALS ?

    Kuclo should win...he always comes in on time like he should... Brewer is always a little bit off...little bit of water, little extra skin, etc...dont get me wrong, i know Trey personally & he is a cool dude to hang out with but he has too many ppl around him trying to take advantage of...
  12. G

    Gaspari MyoFusion

    its pretty good stuff but it takes alot of water to mix 2 scoops... this is how i mix mine up: (1sc) Myofusion (Chocolate) (3/4-1c) Egg Whites (1/2-1c) Oatmeal *add a little ice to chill if you like :D
  13. G

    Whats your favorite axio/syntrop oral?

    Oxandraplex (Anavar) is awesome! Meth 10's are good shit as well!
  14. G

    joints feel great!

    good to hear bro: :)
  15. G

    Axio Dbol Review

    yeah, the 10's rock!!!
  16. G

    1 or 2iu hgh for women?

    at least 30min/day...if you want better results, up the cardio more... HGH is not going to hurt is naturally occurring in the body takes some time for bone structure to grow & those types of things...also, those types of things would be large doses take a good bit...
  17. G

    Methanoplex 10's feedback...

    what is the normal dosage ED? 30mgs? 50mgs?
  18. G

    rea or fake?

    never heard of dreams being a side but everyone is different... try using it directly after you lift...
  19. G

    1 or 2iu hgh for women?

    1-2iu's/ should be fine :)