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    Whats wrong

    oh GOD, this is some great shit. :D
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    Whats wrong

    you may need to look at it for a min or 2 to figure it out.
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    Whats wrong
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    Anabolic Board

    Anyone know why?
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    Anabolic Board

    Anabolicboard Is down cause I cant get to the website right now? Anabolic Steroid Forum messages select the forumcheck out the faqfaq by clickingpost click the register visit from the selection start viewing messages selectpowered by clicking the register link above to...
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    sust dbol cycle

    Good job on the gains bro. You taking armidex during the cycle and at what dosage?
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    Bump 1 more time
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    Post Workout Carbs while on AS?

    Sorry didnt know he was talking about pre-contest. But if your worried about insulin spike take about 500mg ALA with your post-workout drink and it should keep the spike to a minimal.
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    Need your prayers...

    hope everything goes ok. You've got my prayers.
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    Anyone tried Interpharm Labratoy products? It's supposed to be a lab here in the US that makes human grade gear.
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    syringe question!!!!

    Holy shit doof you post the same questions on every board.
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    Sterile Kits

    dlowe where did you find filters for $3
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    Sterile Kits

    Which of the kits at animals site are sterilizing kits. His site is hard to understand.
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    Sterile Kits

    Anyone know where i can get sterile kits.
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    check this out! My winny/anadrol plan

    Make sure you use ALA and milk thistle to protect your liver if you decide to do it. Drink about 2 gallons of water a day too.
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    should I add T3?

    Yes t-3 would be a worthy addition as long as you know the proper cycling of it.
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    Need explaination on Ketosis..

    Stay clean on all diets. Atkins is  dumb, he is catering to the lazy when saying you can eat all that greay ass shit. Trans fats are horrible avoid them like the plague.
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    Post Workout Carbs while on AS?

    Im going to have to disagree with Napalm on this one you should alwys get around 40-50 grams of High GI carbs after a workout even if your cutting. But it can differ from person to person everyones body is different in some way or another. But im positive that everyone spends their glycogen...
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    What I would add to the board

    Very good idea, this would help out alot of bros including me. Best damn idea since steroids.
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    Not Me

    Its all about knowledge of your body. I would say that your 3rd or 4th cycle could be really fuckin awesome if you payed attention to your body during the first few cycles. Once you find the drugs you react to the best you should be able to create one helluva cycle.