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  1. B

    Max lifts

    my point exactly bro, but people at my gym think im cheating or something cause im short, hell i don't know maybe their just jeoulous cause they can't get it off the freakin floor, but i see it as a deadlift is a deadlift no matter what style you use, you should use the stance most advantageous...
  2. B

    Max lifts

    shit some of you bro's are strong as hell, i caint ever keep my joints from falling apart on me to ever try a maxed out rep.. 5ft5 currently bulking so im around 225 flat bench press - 405 for 7 reps incline bench - 385 for 6 reps.... i try and keep incline and flat around the same if...
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    my liver

    liver values! bro, im in the same boat on the liver values being very elevated, the bad thing is that i work around vinyl chloride and the plant nurse keeps threatning to move me to a different part of the plant if my liver enzymes keep elevating, i heard for best results for your blood work...
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    Clen T3 Cycle Help

    pudgy this is some great info, i gotta bump this one up!
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    Iceman92 Pics

    that first pic hit like a train wreck bro, you got my attention, now im ready to sit back and listen to what you got to say...LOL nice job bro!!!! NOW SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE!!
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    Tren/Prop combo !--How good is it ?

    LOL trust me bro, i feel your pain, glute shots are waaaayyyy better but still get a nasty sting the next day, but nowhere near the pain of the quads. My right leg feels like its going to fall off from pain right now, but hey its all part of the game! (using "proprop" and homemade fina)
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    test prop questions

    HA bro im in the same situation, i just started test prop 200 eod and fina150eod and i was dieting and since starting i have kicked up the diet and even added cardio and I have gained like 5 pounds in just under a weeks time, i am running femera at .5 eod, I have always used test enth. but since...
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    8-9-2003 Meet Results

    WOW bro thats some serious weight your throwing around there, I am a big lover of deadlifts, when anyone ever ask me "how much do you bench?" i always come back and ask them how much do you deadlift and squat, everyone wants a big bench, shit impress me with some back breaking big deadlift and...
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    12 weeks out

    thanks thanks bro's for the kind comments, i will ATTEMPT the shitload method, im trying to get pretty lean early so i can get a couple of trial runs in, I want to thank everyone on this board especially skip for the wealth of knowledge that I have soaked up from this board, when it comes to...
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    12 weeks out

    couple of quick shots to let every one check the progression as i near my 1st real bodybuilding show, (done a small local gym show in fayetteville nc back in 1993) will be doing the Mr. Kentucky on Nov. 1st in Louisville, KY.
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    GETPINZ 4g Fina Kits From

    I second that I have used nothing but GPZ for the last year and their kits are just fine bro. I have bought the 4 and 8 grm. kits