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  1. winnie

    T3 for research

  2. winnie

    Can you believe this guy!!

    :rolleyes: ...every once in awhile when there is good pickens, but com'n not at the gym...LOL Maybe the guy was deaf? :confused:
  3. winnie

    Test Only Cycle

    I agree, Test as you base is always the rule of thumb, well why not just go back with base, and keep it basic. I peronally don't think I could just sit back and not throw some var, t3, clen and ECA into the mix. Gotta love var.
  4. winnie

    Test Only Cycle

    Yes, if say someone:wink: was to do a high dose test cycle after all of the stacks they've done previously would they just be dissapointed...even running test double the norm for that person?
  5. winnie

    Gh is finally here

    sweeden, not last i heard...oh wait, yeah...sweeden....all eyes on sweeden...LMAO :)
  6. winnie

    Where to get researchables

    yes, currently strictly through emails, email for details
  7. winnie

    Where to get researchables

    Back to the top for [email protected] check'em out
  8. winnie


  9. winnie

    Gh is finally here

    yum, yum....and I am always up for a good story...did it come over on a ship with one sail and end up in The Bahama's?
  10. winnie

    Your Steak?

    I don't know how people eat thier stakes just loses all of that flavor...i guess if you're marinating the hell out of it the it could be ok...but i like the blood....>HOWL
  11. winnie

    we need sweatmachine....

    i bet
  12. winnie

    Musclechemistry WOW!!

    AC, glad you finally made it over here, this is a top notch guy fella's!
  13. winnie

    new member needs advice

    so you want to run a 1g of test a week for 8 weeks and Eq @ 400mg's EW for 10weeks then run 100mg's prop EOD, 50mg's of winnie EOD starting at week 8 or 12? Then for the last 3 weeks run EQ eod...Confusing cycle bud. At least it confuses me right Why not go w/ a basic cutter? Is...
  14. winnie

    Test Only Cycle

    Those of you who have run numerous cycles/stacks and have you ever went back to say a high dose of just test, and maybe a little kicker in the beginning? If so what were the results? all though adding T-3 or clen can be done...maybe a little var...LOL, Test only cycles about it?
  15. winnie

    Your Steak?

    How do you perfer it cooked? Me, medium, or medium-rare depending on the cut.
  16. winnie

    Labcorp and presser and everyone

    CRACKn'stein to mock a mods name here is enough for me, good-bye. Thank you strider for your post.
  17. winnie

    Uping the clen dose?

    LOL...definitely go w/ shredz advice bro, don't listen to your
  18. winnie

    Uping the clen dose?

    I think you have to listen to your body bro, it should tell you what to do.
  19. winnie

    Will the real Shredz please stand up!!!

    Damn another, glad to have another vet over here!
  20. winnie

    Where to get researchables won't be dissappointed with AquaChem