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    sweating alot

    cooling down technic, after and brutal work out,, hit the sauna, heat up more then hit a cold shower, start with warm water and gradually taper it to cold. V
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    sweating alot

    fellas, there is a new type of water hittting the market, I have been useing for 3 weeks and can feel the difference, its called (penta) its purified and has reverse osmosis/deionization with usp grade medical oxygen added, a DR. created it, has some sort of macrofiltration, for better...
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    sweating alot

    with all we do to inhance or bodys, the sweating is a good thing, keeps the blood flowing and the toxins excreating out.
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    sweating alot

    fella, its the elevation of body temp. I sometimes I sweat when I eat a meal, as above A.C. stay by a fan in the gym, or under the A.C. then hit the sauna and drop the water, it helps, just remember to always hydrate......
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    taz30, thats what I have been trying to get across, some people stay safe with 100/200mg week, and see no results so they complain, but others go higher, I myself saw good results at 500mg weekly, with solid lean muscles. and chemistry is also a key factor
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    fellas its just a mid anabolic, used for precontest, to maintian without water retention, it works, remember thou everybodys body chemistry is different and some products work well for one but not as good for another. its this thing we all have DNA chemisrty.
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    Anyone know the ester comp of t 400

    T-400= 25mg prop, 188mg enathate, 187 cipanate.. try jacking some trenbolin accetate 150mg week...
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    overrated, maybe, but primobolan is a long acting anabolic, with extremely low androgenic properties, thou it is mild, it doesnt not convert to to estrogen, and is mainly used during cutting cycles. the increase that comes from primo is quality muscle mass. a safe dose would be 100mg/200mg...
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    primobolan, I have always used a 25g dart, and $12 an amp is easy to find, sometimes better, even as low as $10,
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    if you guys only knew,