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  1. superchicken

    hey bros need some help

    when i say "i" i mean my friend, ahem. hey today i found out i got a photo shoot on mon or tue next wk, i wont give details but im gonna be on a wesbite which many will view(nobody here, its local) anyway they will be taking pics of me working out and showing proper form of exercises etc.. i...
  2. superchicken

    Insulin+ Creatine = WOW

    yes. humulin r is otc. pretty much any pharm or drug store will sell it to you no questions asked. i tell them its for my girlfriend if they ask
  3. superchicken

    Insulin+ Creatine = WOW

    i wouldnt recomend that, but you can. i take the slin when i get home from the gym, the reason i dont think its a good idea is cause say you take your shot, and your driving home, and somthing comes up, accident whatever. what do you do when you go hypo? now of course youd bring a carb source...
  4. superchicken


    how about i get the 40% off first, then when i get my protein you ban me and i go sit in the corner eating protein shakes all day :D
  5. superchicken

    I am thinking of a 6 month on off cycle

    bigjosh, i guarantee it was the tren that shut you down, not so much the duration as 14 wks isnt really THAT long
  6. superchicken


    i dont know why exactly clomid causes this for so many people. clomid is a synthetic estrogen, and so is nolva. but nolva doesnt cause these symptoms for so many people. maybe clomid kinda has estrogen like effects..i dont know just speculating. next time maybe you should use nolva for post...
  7. superchicken

    How long will hcg stay good in the frig?

    nox is correct. id leer towards the 30 day time frame though, it wont go bad all of a sudden it just loses potency the older it gets.
  8. superchicken

    Baking converted powders

    winny melts at about 460d, so you can use high temps, but id stay at about 250 or so.
  9. superchicken


    not true, once you have deleted the files do a freespac wipe and wipe it 9 times, they cant recover shit. pgp has a nice utility set up where you can have it automatically wipe freespace every day/night at the time you specify, and you specify the numkber of passes/wipes. my comp does 4 wipes...
  10. superchicken


    some poeples bodies have a hard time recovering hormonally from cycles. deca and fina cycles are the worst for recovery. your last cycle the deca prob shut you down real good and you never truely recovered, you should have ran clomid longer and/or used some hcg. but thats said and done so...
  11. superchicken

    Liquid Cialis

    nitrous, have you used the pill form? if you hvent you should say cialis sucks not just the liq. it only works for 80% of men. ive tried both the liq and the pill, i cant tell the diff, just the pill is easyier to carry in the wallet. cialis works very well for me.
  12. superchicken

    Nike Commercail

    remember the nike commercial where the chicken was chasing that dude? yeah, im a celebrity :D
  13. superchicken

    Equigen GH question

    i also once read an article from someone who sounded very informed that horse gh would have no effect in a human. i think he was from australia and said the reaon people push it and say it works is cause its 10-15 bucks off the shelf over there, and you can imagine the markup and profit...
  14. superchicken


    i could say the same thing about bass, but, i might not be able to log onto AP tomorrow :D
  15. superchicken

    oh what the hell

    smellybass sent me too :D
  16. superchicken

    Best All around Test?

    i like prop best, but enahtate is a close second. i actually prefer to use prop at the beggining and end of the cycle, and use enanthate in the middle. btw dues to ester wieght attached to the parent testosterone molecule, the actual amount of test is about like this suspension or test no...
  17. superchicken

    Deleting PM's

    yeah i kept bugging presser saying i had room for only 1 pm in my inbox, then bass told me i had to clean out my sent folder lol :D
  18. superchicken

    Suspending letrozole

    ethyl alchol is the alcohol in your beer bro, it mixes with water, but letrozole is NOT sol in water at all, so i wouldnt use water to dilute, why would you wanna dilute it anyway?
  19. superchicken


    i dont see the prob with the muslim stamp, hell because of all this terrorist shit many muslims and other indians get treated like shit in my town, and im sure everywhere else. and they are good people, they dont deserve it, but they get it cause others who share the religion and look similar...
  20. superchicken


    honestly i doesnt even get you very high and you on your way to shooting up to get high, the reason they use it is so they can better cope with the pain of intense training, but then they get hooked. an opiate withdrawl is one of the worst experiences youll ever go through, opiates are fun now...