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  1. C

    Has anyone watched 10 Cloverfield Lane?

    haven't seen the movie, but like the comparison.
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    Training a weak body part daily

    well after 5 days of it and i had my regular arm workout and i'll say the pump was way better than normal and the mind muscle connection was on point. I have never really been able to "flex" and feel my biceps during a set always got pumped but just couldn't feel it, but this seems to make that...
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    Training a weak body part daily

    Years ago I trained calves every single workout other than legs and I put maximal effort into them, they blew up to over 19.25 inches and were nasty. Then one day I said well that was easy i'll just do that when I want big calves again.... now 10 years later I've never achieved anything near...
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    MuscleChemistry gym songs 2016

    Mind of a Beast - just listened to this one, :dj::thumbsup: - - - Updated - - - I guess I am the only one that listens to hip hop on the board?
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    Training a weak body part daily

    In an attempt to somehow try and make my biceps more impressive I have came up with the idea that I will do 5 sets of concentration curls with a 25lb dumbbell at home every night before I shower other than my actually arm day. Has anyone done this type of thing before? I have heard people like...
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    Electric Razors

    I just dont like having to use a razor every day, my beard grows overnight basically, so I am one of those shave everyday people and was trying to find a way to do it quickly and not have take a shower before hand.
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    First Ever Overall Title in the Classic Physique division. Robert Timms

    except they do no back poses at all nor a front lat spread, also not a fan of the shorts, just wear posing trunks. It's great and all if you have tiny little joints otherwise if your 6ft tall your weight max is 207lbs I think. I would be a much bigger fan if they raised their weight...
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    Electric Razors

    I recently got a job where I have to shave daily (yea i know WTF, my precious beard). maybe one day they'll get with the times. :curse: Anyhow, any of you guys use an electric razor I just don't feel like shaving every single F'ing day with a razor.
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    Shamrock and Kimbo Fail Drug Test - Trio of Steroids

    why would they use deca as it stays in the system FOREVER and winny they shoulda been able to stop like 5 days out and beat that one.
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    Dallas McCarver

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    bar fighting with bas rutten

    interesting topic
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    Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Kind of Snow Day

    Man I havent had a double cheese grill cheese in years, that and a bowl of vegetable soup.
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    snowed the fuck in

    My pops had the power go out, only for a day but others are going to be without for a couple. All the ice built up on trees and snapped the branches.
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    Is nubain still a used these days by bodybuilders

    I used to know people that would carry it with them everywhere, I remember being at a house party and the guy pulled it out and filled up a syringe and stuck it right through his pants into his leg. No need to be sanitary about it or anything.
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    gear that is clear?

    Ive seen clear gear before, and that EO stuff is shit. swell up like a damn tennis ball
  16. C

    Nova Labs Vet Grade Steroids.

    Never heard of them. where is this supposed "vet" grade product made? could be a home brew guy thinking hmm if I say it's vet grade people will like it and wont research as much as if i put human on it.
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    Based solely on your stats I would say you do not need insulin and i wouldn't recommend metformin (glucophage) for anyone anyhow.
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    Where can I purchase cytomel?

    Clearsky has been reputable with some people I know.
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    Aqua-Dex, how do you take it?

    Most of the time it is applied 1mg every other day or so unless you are nearing a contest.
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    The info listed above is what I used to do, but be sure to add on the cholesterol panel so that you are aware of your cholesterol. The labs will be provided to you and will include a reference range and tell you if you are in range or not. If you have a specific question regarding a certain lab...