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  1. C

    First Cycle, would like some advice.

    So relieved to get some proper advice. Thanks guys.
  2. C

    First Cycle, would like some advice.

    I play rugby, my position is flanker. Sorta like a Line Backer for football. I'm a little undersized which is why I'm looking for 15 pounds. My training is a mix of Powerlifting, Oly and Strongman with track sessions involving lots of sprints. This is my third year training like this, 5...
  3. C

    First Cycle, would like some advice.

    I've had a hard time tracking down info regarding cycles for athletes, the majority of whats out there seems to be geared toward BB's. I'm assuming that there would be a difference between the two types of cycles. Me: 24 years old, 6', #197, don't know BF%, about to begin pre-season lifting...