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  1. sully

    Anyone know how to program vbulletinboards please contact me there any kind of job security with this position...:rolleyes:
  2. sully

    How about some EQL results

    ...yeah let me know where you are getting that much of a better deal bro, lol,...2x cheaper, wow...
  3. sully

    what's your current workout music?

    lately its been.................... ...tupac and eminem...
  4. sully

    Do you miss me yet

    actually bro.................. ...take your time...;)
  5. sully

    Hello anyone want to say hi

    ...what if he is tito ortiz?...:D
  6. sully

    cycle Q?

    just............. ...add some test prop and you got yourself a great cycle...if you do not want to run any test for whatever reason you could find some problems with your dick from the fina(shuts you down hard) add a little test and you will be very happy with your results considering...
  7. sully

    Another question about EQL

    ...thats what i thought too...
  8. sully

    prop as only test in next cycle?

    ...i agree with daddy48...
  9. sully

    Pumpseeker has a bad case of gas. suggestion would be dont hang out with him...
  10. sully

    EQL- 400 mg Eq would not make much of a difference either way, but i would go 1/2 twice a week personally too...
  11. sully

    A Prayer For Her

    ...very sorry to hear stumpy, god bless you and your brother and the family members...
  12. sully

    MAD'z NEW pix.

    damn......... look way bigger than 204# in that first pic bro...and i mean that in a real good are all good, but the first one you look great!...very nice work... ;)
  13. sully


    ...looks good!...
  14. sully

    ephedrine off shelves???

    ...i thought the same as stumpy...
  15. sully

    Cycle Questions & Opinions

    as far as the gear.......... ...depends on a few things, but i think ending cycles with tren and winny is a great idea for the fact they help "solidify" gains...what test is it?, prop would be the choice there to me...
  16. sully

    Please critique cycle, first timer...

    ...keep in mind the gear you are using(tate and deca) dont get "going" for at least a few weeks, so an eight week cycle would not yield as good of gains as 10-12...but like Badger said, if you are doing it for 8 then you would want the dbol or prop up front to get things rolling quicker...
  17. sully

    Drinking during your cycle

    ...50mgs of winny a day is enough, and a glass of wine while cycling is fine...
  18. sully

    favorite cycle???

    ...anything with nice amounts of fina and test...
  19. sully

    XTC while juicing

    ...e-bombs w/o the juice is bad enuf...and i would never try and get them off the net either, but maybe i m the weird one...:rolleyes:...