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  1. big in vegas


    Few months? Where you heading for a few months?
  2. big in vegas

    Mass Builders Pharmacy....

    I havent heard anyone here say much about massbuilder pharma in a while. How long have you been waiting? Is he replying to you or did somethiing happen to him?
  3. big in vegas

    Understanding Post Cycle Recovery

    I have read guys on this site even suggest to start HCG two weeks prior to starting your steroid cycle. Then run the hcg throughout the cycle. This will give you the best chance of getting endogenous testosterone production back up to as close to where it was prior to cycle.
  4. big in vegas

    Testosterone May Be Safe for Prostate

    :moon: Hows my prostate look??
  5. big in vegas

    Testosterone, Nandrolone and PSA and Prostate Information. Block DHT

    So glad I found this article. Really important stuff here.
  6. big in vegas


    MM are you saying you ran 50mg of anadrol for 8 weeks? I just started cardarine yesterday. I am 2 weeks into my trenbolone acetate , Cypionate, propionate cycle. So I should have something to report on whether the cardarine helped me with being so dang winded from trenbolone
  7. big in vegas

    First Steroid Cycle

    Long ester testosterone in my opinion is an absolute must for first time steroid users. Its always a good idea to use one steroid at a time or add one steroid at a time to your subsequent steroid cycles. I know enatate and cypionate are what i always suggest for beginners. Where I differ from...
  8. big in vegas

    TEST-1-CYP (DHB) Females too!!

    The "Low End" of dosage range is 300mg to 1,000mg. That doesnt sound very low to me. But again i have no experience with this steroid
  9. big in vegas

    Proviron Profile - What you need to know.

    Now there is something I had never even thought about. Yes for all the "Roid Rage" comments, and bias claims, I have never once seen anyone get into a fight in the gym. I never even heard any second hand stories about this. Very good point.
  10. big in vegas

    Steroids work if.

    Most steroid users i know work three times harder than the average gym rat. I guess if you have made the decision to use steroids then your going to make the most out of it. On top of that , i think most guys tell themseleves they are only doing one cycle and done. So they train hard as hell to...
  11. big in vegas


    Good clean gear is harder and harder to come by these days. You guys are doing the bodybuilding community a solid service!
  12. big in vegas

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    I concur! You can get in and get out so to speak, and reap more than enough benefits from the superdrol before the side effects outweigh the benefits.
  13. big in vegas

    Hyaluronic acid and Hypertrophy

    Hyaluronic acid injection do not sound feasible to me. who ever the guy is in videos for that hydronic you posted about, he doesnt sound too convinced himself and cant even answer questions hahaha
  14. big in vegas

    Hyaluronic acid and Hypertrophy

    Now my minds eye is on fire! yes your both right, water water water. Lee, if I were you I would try to find that deca your talking about. It has always helped me
  15. big in vegas

    Cant Sleep on Tren Ace

    Second shot on trenbolone acetate for the first time in a year, and same sleepless nights! I was in bed by 11pm up until 5 this morning! Tossed in bed all night. I forgot how cranky I can be without sleep, and on top of trenbolones normal pleasant sides uh oh I hope its worth it this time...
  16. big in vegas

    Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) Facts/Profile

    Sphinx is new to me. love those boxes. charge twice the price to someone when you have boxes.
  17. big in vegas

    Pct shop gear

    they still having problems getting orders out