Search results

  1. quadsweep

    30 yrs old SARMs interested

    para pharma has top quality hgh paratropin is also very affordable for the avg person
  2. quadsweep steroids don’t work

    if you want real gear at a great price with no games then please us ugfreak they have excellent para pharma
  3. quadsweep

    Approved Log Mobsters Log - the grind never stops!

    Incredible strength is being displayed here
  4. quadsweep

    who on here uses steroids for non bodybuilding reasons?

    I competed for years and I trained pro athletes and steroids are absolutely and important aspect of bodybuilding no doubt about it
  5. quadsweep primodex 100 is crap

    i hope next time you will use ugfreak, they are the best
  6. quadsweep

    primo cutting stack with test Prop

    i don't think primo sucks, it has a purpose in bodybuilding. para pharma primo has been in many successful logs
  7. quadsweep

    deca for bulking with test

    test and deca are both great steroids but please use para pharma
  8. quadsweep

    Hilma Pharma a scammer snake

    you need to use ugfreak, no games at all like this
  9. quadsweep tren and mast stack F

    if you want the highest quality then go with ugfreak next time
  10. quadsweep

    Approved Log Mobsters Log - the grind never stops!

    Mobster is doing great as always!
  11. quadsweep

    IGF-1 LR3 100mcg a day what can it do?

    stack some ghrp with it
  12. quadsweep

    Disputed Claim testosterone no good?

    three weeks isn't long enough to judge any type of steroid also ugfreak has certificates of analysis on the products so we know they're legitimate and we have Anonymous blood work that has been done